Gordon Lightfoot wrote a song called Black Day In July - it's about the race riots that happened in Detroit in the 60's. Last night when I was watching the news I got the feeling that history was going to repeat itself but these riots are going to be 1000X worse. I bet when some people heard that the guy who shot the cops wanted to shot white people some people thought - oh ya we will see about that and some other people thought that it sounded like a good plan. It's pretty scary to think what can happen and I'm hoping no riots happen. Cheers and happy weekend!
I think we just did !!!
Everything that was portended in the 60's has come to fruition. All the issues that were never resolved, war, racism, bad presidential leaders (NIXON, et. al) the Mideast, almost all of Asia, all of it. IT is coming to rest at our feet.
So, forget July. This is going to be the second to the worst decade ever. The only one worse will be the decade after this.
never heard of it