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Do you log into or check Facebook?

What do you think of it? I've enjoyed FB a few years ago, but lately any post I've made, in a year, I've had maybe ONE like.. out of several posts. Out of 245 'friends'.... I am kind, giving, loving to most people on there, like all their pics, and posts, and I literally get NO reply , ever. It is making me feel low.. I just don't log in anymore. Even my two good friends have never liked or posted a reply to my things. I do want to remain there for a few people of the family I talk to, but what do you think of it overall ?

Posted - January 25, 2017


  • 12
    I do not Facebook at all - for many reasons.  My job for one means I like to remain out of any social networking sites.  But I do not think places like FB are a healthy place for people to be, we should not base our worth on how many "likes'we may get for something we post.  We are far more than a profile on any site.  I think FB is good to keep up with family and even our actual friends if that is needed, but should not be a tool for who likes us the most, or an attempt to be the most popular (which I know many users of FB are trying to be).  I am sure Baybreeze you are worth far more than someone clicking the like button.
      January 25, 2017 10:28 PM MST

  • 1138
    I agree. I rarely go on, and whenever I have , or post one or two things, not ANY thing :/ My camera phone is not posting either, so most of what I post is written, so maybe that is why, I know pics get so many responses... but many write things and get 50 likes /replies. I am only noticing this at all about FB because I have gotten NONE. I really liked how you said most use it now as who is the 'most popular' user.. that is EXACTLY what I feel when I log on; each person always on , posting a new 'great' pic or one liner.... I feel it is such a competition now. Ty so much for reassuring me we are NOT a profile *huggg
      January 25, 2017 10:42 PM MST

  • 5808
    no Facebook for me either
    it's a social stress inducer for many people.

      January 25, 2017 11:14 PM MST

  • 46117
    Not yet, but someday when I grow up, I will. 
      January 25, 2017 11:15 PM MST

  • Perhaps you're being nice and.polite and.like their pics just so they like you back. Im not saying you are not that way. Im saying that maybe you are.being there like that.for.those.reasons. and maybe people can sense that. Also, why do you care? 
    Those out there that are.like you will never.find you because you may be.acting in a way you are not. It really is impossible to like everything and everybody.
    I'd rather have two or three true people like me when I write about something important to me, than a hundred fools like me, because I post pics of my cats. No?
      January 25, 2017 11:23 PM MST

  • 19937

    I only use FB to keep up with family and friends and I rarely post on there. 

      January 26, 2017 7:17 AM MST

  • 22891
    i like facebook, i go on it sometimes
      January 26, 2017 11:33 AM MST

  • 44753
    I use no social media except for here. If I want to talk with my son, daughter, sisters or brother I pick up the phone.
      January 26, 2017 12:30 PM MST

  • 3719
    Similar with me. I wouldn't touch Facebook and Twitter, or similar sites, with a barge-mouse. This is the nearest I go towards so-called social media sites, though I use Wikipedia's 'Answers.com' and a specialist forum for amateur engineers - I barely even look at my various clubs' web-sites.

    I also use a different user-name and password on each one, and all different from my Windows and ISP passwords too. 

    Facebook's real business is not to help you contact your relatives and friends. That is its modus operandi. Its real trade is data-harvesting form users' profiles, for on-line advertising agencies so their clients can send you ads they imagine will interest you. Also, anything you put on FB becomes its property and you have no control over it.
      February 13, 2017 2:56 PM MST