Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Don't you ever wonder how America even functions with all the guns and the craziness generally?

Don't you ever wonder how America even functions with all the guns and the craziness generally?


Posted - July 9, 2016


  • 275

    It's really not that bad.  Most Americans never get shot more than two or three times.

      July 9, 2016 6:39 PM MDT

  • 6988

      July 9, 2016 8:35 PM MDT

  • 6988

     I gotta use the "G" word here -------------------- many gun owners are actually respecters of the Christian religion on which the country was founded. "God" being the G word.

      July 9, 2016 8:38 PM MDT
  • Moi


    What's mind blowing is the degree of stupid contained in the tiny space of some peoples ears. Here's something to think about, Obama is stirring up minorities. Obama lies every time he says he's Christion, Somehow 6.5 billion ended up in isis hands due to clerical error. billions of dollars in armored vehicles, arms and munitions were left behind when he ordered American troops to retreat leaving all the equipment for isis to use against us and Christians and who ever else they hate. Obama has been smuggling muslims into America from our southern borders buy the bus loads. He's attacked our treasury since he took office, he's lowered moral of all the armed forces and has weakened our defenses to a critically low level. He's done the same with law enforcement . He's created a lot of hate in America and liberals think he's the most wonderful president ever. Well in reality every thing he does is designed to damage us. He's trying to hard to take our guns, It's an obsession with him. Knowing that he actually hates us you have to ask why is he arming muzzies and trying to take ours from us. The biggest thing we have fighting us is the liberal people. For some reason they hate America because that's what they have been programed to do, what makes it laughable is how gullible the liberal are, perfect sheep, easily programed, lacking the ability to think with out being told what to think. Your wrong, guns are not a problem , haters are a problem, your boy Obama is stirring up a lot of hate. Imagine if these people couldn't get guns, they're going to kill with or with out guns. When they can no longer get guns they will make bombs, mean while liberals are the biggest threat America has. If you people hate freedom your always welcome to migrate elsewhere.

      July 9, 2016 9:30 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I am surrounded by  a  sea of idiots. 

      July 9, 2016 9:33 PM MDT

  • Right. I couldn't agree more.

      July 9, 2016 9:44 PM MDT

  • 17653

    Which guns are you talking about?  Guns don't cause dysfunction.  A gun will sit right there where it was left until a warm living person moves it.

      July 10, 2016 10:25 AM MDT

  • 22891


      July 10, 2016 7:47 PM MDT