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So, the GREAT negotiator is gonna GIVE Russia something BEFORE we GET anything??? What's up with THAT???


Yeah..  I know..  I didn't believe it either, but HERE it is..


PS>  WHY does he LOVE Russia so much??

Posted - January 27, 2017


  • 2500
    No, you're thinking of Obama.

    He gave Cuba the whole enchilada and got nothing back from them, like improved human rights for their citizens. And then the's the whole Iranian "agreement" which basically gave them a clear and unencumbered path to develop nuclear weapons. (Of course they've ignored most of the provisions of that "agreement" already, but we STILL want to think it's working ans is a good deal.)
      January 27, 2017 9:08 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, Red:

    Well, there ya go..  Obama gave away the farm, so Trump can too..  Makes sense to me.

      January 27, 2017 9:18 AM MST

  • 2500
    Hey, can't figure out why you're against him then? He's sounding a lot more like a liberal than a consecrative from your point-of-view.
      January 27, 2017 9:24 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, Red:

    MY perspective is that of a warrior who KILLED communists.  MY perspective as an American, is that Russia is our adversary..  MY perspective as a liberal, is that Obama PUT sanctions on Russia because they INVADED their neighbor, Ukraine.. 

    So, from MY perspective, as a human being, if Putin wants to give BACK what he STOLE, I'd be happy to lift the sanctions..  YOU, on the other hand, apparently want to ENCOURAGE Putin to invade MORE of his neighbors.. 

    So, if you can't figure out where I'm at, it's because NOBODY can figure out where you're at..

    excon This post was edited by excon at January 28, 2017 5:19 AM MST
      January 27, 2017 9:41 AM MST

  • 2500

    WOW! YOU'RE the ghost of Ronald Reagan? "cause THAT'S the name of the warrior that won the cold war and defeated the Soviet Union.

    Unfortunately totalitarian governments hiding behind the Socialist or Communist banner are still all too alive and well in our world and oppressing their citizens in the name of extracting handouts and profits from bleeding-heart, spoiled brat liberals. (Maybe thats why Obama coddled them so much.) And while I'm certain that your possible military service is more than appreciated by your fellow Americans I'm betting it had more to do with drawing a low number in the selective service lottery than in your political ideals.

    As to the Soviet Union . . . perhaps you don't remember for some reason but they had a very large nuclear arsenal. And Russia still has a large number of those fireworks,  their current stock is quite a bit bigger than ours at the moment. And they still have the big ones, with proven delivery systems. Don't think it's a good idea to whiz in their corn-flakes until we can really back that "mutually assured destruction" thing that kept us from lobbing nukes back and forth in the '50's through the '80's. 

    If you think otherwise then it's you that rational thinkers can't figure out. 

      January 27, 2017 10:21 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, Red,

    I understand you wanna insult me.. That's ok.. That's what you do..  But, I'm GLAD you're here..  If you weren't, I'd have to INVENT you..

    In 1960, when I joined the Navy, there was NO draft and NO Vietnam.  Peace was at hand, and joining the Navy was about seeing the world and screwing chicks..  I was 17, a product of the 50's, and I knew NOTHING about politics.. 

    My ship was IN the blockade of Cuba.  Why we were there didn't matter to me..  I only learned much later, how CLOSE I came to being destroyed..

    In '64, when I was about to be discharged, Vietnam was already raging.  I was in the intelligence division, and my work was considered VITAL to the war effort, so my term of enlistment was involuntarily extended.

    hat explanation is MORE than you deserve.  So, the next time you feel the need to denigrate my service, STUFF it, will you?

    excon This post was edited by excon at January 28, 2017 5:25 AM MST
      January 27, 2017 10:44 AM MST

  • 2500
    I didn't denigrate your service, only speculated as to how it started. And I wasn't trying to insult you, just keep some perspective. And even if you had been drafted that would not make your service to the country any less appreciated or respected by me, or anyone else that "respects the flag".

    A number of my high school classmates signed up just after that little unpleasantness in southeast Asia was winding down hoping that they would avoid seeing combat. Thankfully they weren't exposed (except for a few that went "hardcore" and ended up as officers). But in addition to wanting to serve their country they also knew that they could end up in battle with serious risk to life and limb just like you did.
      January 27, 2017 11:03 AM MST

  • I am glad you recognise that "totalitarian governments hiding behind the Socialist or Communist banner are still all too alive and well in our world and oppressing their citizens" as that perfectly describes Russia.. and I am glad you recognise that the Russians have a bigger arsenal than you do... as to the mutual disarming.. Putin has said that that WON'T happen and that it's NOT up for negotiation.  I think we'd all be wise to remember that unlike Trump, Putin is NOT an empty vessel spouting unrealistic plans and aims.. 
      January 28, 2017 5:24 AM MST

  • Ahh is this a bit like him building the wall first and THEN expecting the Mexicans to pay for it?  Erm and how do we all think that's going to work out??? 

    Putin has already said that he will NOT reduce arms, nuclear or otherwise in return for reduction in sanctions.. so gets pretty hard to understand what planet Trump is on if he thinks otherwise...

    And they wonder why we think Trump is Putin's puppet??
      January 27, 2017 10:35 AM MST

  • 1233
    Lifting sanctions is not "giving". Returning what one has taken is not a gift.

    Sanctions are an act of economic warfare. They're aggressive. Shifting to a less aggressive stance is just an act of good will. It can also be reversed at the stroke of a pen if the Russians don't respond in kind.

    Trump doesn't love Russia he just doesn't hate it. The reason the establishment hates Russia is because it's a powerful independent sovereign nation that wishes to remain so. The globalists know Russia is a major threat to the formation of a world government. Of course nationalists are going to see other nationalists as potential allies in the war against globalism. Why wouldn't we?

    The benefits of improved relations with Russia are obvious. It would be a massive step towards a more stable world. If Russia and the west were united on middle east policy we could exterminate the radical Muslims and stabilize the whole region.

    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at January 28, 2017 3:52 AM MST
      January 28, 2017 3:51 AM MST

  • economic sanctions, refusal to trade isn't taking anything as it was given in the first place.. they don't have a right to trade with nations who want to make it clear that they don't condone the Russian's behaviour.
    Russia has made it clear that they will not reduce their arsenal and that that is not up for negotiation.

    It's almost like you are saying that America recognises that RUssia are more powerful and you should be careful not to upset them.. that's not the America we know and respect.. it's not a strong America, seems more like Russia's lapdog.. and I say that as a Brit and we are accused of being America's lapdog :P
      January 28, 2017 5:33 AM MST