You didn't answer my question. You used it as an excuse to bring The Donald front and center. Why? Is it "we're ALL in this together" OR "Every man for himself"? What do YOU believe? The Donald has nothing whatsoever to do with my question. You do. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday. So are you all for you or do you care about others too Star?
The fault is entirely ours Karen. If we follow a divider and support him unless someone put a gun to our heads it is our fault. Sad but true. Thank you for your reply! I think we blame others too often. The other political party. The media. Whatever scapegoat du jour is popular. We assign blame everywhere but where it belongs. We are the ones who have done this. I don't know why. Thank you for your reply.
Some people blame Obama for the division. They say he drove a wedge between the races and between the citizen and the police. I can't lay the blame on him, I lay it on us as a nation. We seem to be dividing ourselves into smaller and smaller groups. Black vs White, Christian vs Islam, Democrat vs Republican, Legal vs Illegal......etc. That list goes on and on. We need to start working together if we want to get anything accomplished, and stop fighting among ourselves. Broken divided voices are never as loud as one strong unified voice. Trump wants to build a wall, but we need to start tearing down the walls we have erected around ourselves.
The Obama haters blame him for everything Karen. He is a favorite scapegoat. What was elected to serve as our Head of State is indescribably evil. We will pay for it as will the rest of the world. That is what those people who voted for it wanted. That is not what I wanted. But since they are in charge and in control they will have their way with us. I hope we survive them. I have no idea what the odds are of that! Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :)
If the liberal left and the protesters, are any example what is going on, I think it's safe to assume, they are oblivious as to what is happening around them, they are too busy thinking they are the only ones who have all the answers. I don't mean to be over critical but how can anyone side with the garbage mouth s like Madonna and other airheads?
Sorry you don't get it Rosie but I did answer your question, your contribution to the problem you asked, is that you constantly knock Trump down and build anyone on the left up, apparently you aren't interested in improving the country by getting rid of the many problems the left has caused. `if I agreed with everything you say I would immediately become a friend, but if I give my point of view you belittle me , watch the news and see for yourself the people who are protesting, knocking Trump who is trying to get rid of Obama's foolish executive orders which put the country on the wrong path . The people are acting this way in my opinion, because the adults have lost their way and are passing their thoughts to their children and the schools are teaching their ridiculous liberal ideas ( colleges ) I suppose your heros are the Sharptons,Jacksons,Madonna,Rosie ODonnel,Alan Colmes, Farrakhan, that's ok but don't try to convince me that their kind of thinking is what we need, Have a nice day and smile.