Discussion»Questions»Relationships» Why do women doing online dating always list all the places they want to travel to? Your free, go travel. l'll date you after you get back.
I guess since I had a son I'm just happiest being close to him. I'm scared to get on a plane since I became a dad. I would love to have a girlfriend again and travel to make her happy, but I don't want to die in a plane crash knowing my son would grow up without me.
I'm amused,does that happen? I've never had an online date but there's nothing wrong if she wants to travel for free....thankfully she's not asking for diamonds;))
You'd be surpised how many women list everything that they want. I made a fake profile pretending to be a woman just to check out my competition and the guys profiles are more about what I have to offer. It's kinda interesting. Not all women are like that, but some treat online dating like they're interviewing a new employee.