I need some inspiration.
I wanted to be a medical illustrator but I couldn't draw blood.
Chelsea Wolfe
Yes. But I am doing it the very hard way since I have to be able to tell where the muscles and stuff are attached to what part of the hip. This is the most confusing shape ever. It is INSANE to try and picture in my mind for tests, so I am trying to draw it and every time I see a different angle, the damned thing changes shape before I get through figuring out where each shape goes. It looks easy just looking at the pictures above, but that is not what the hip really looks like in 3-D. This is a 2-D depiction.
Pray for me.
I am listening to anatomy videos of the hip thank you very much. I have hours to go.
Is that Chelsea Handler's new name?
Are you that good? Why do you need to draw blood? OH I SEE WHAT YOU DID. LOL
I know this guy, he has an x-ray of his broken hip. You can also see his, uh, well, "boner".
I have taken art classes here and there but nothing to brag about. I have a few skills and a lot of imagination. But I am going to school for massage therapy. That is just how I think. I have to draw things so I can "see" them in my head. I cannot picture spatial concepts like this and draw it from memory. When I have drawn it correctly, I will be able to describe it no matter how it is drawn or presented to me.
I am going to be doing body work and a career in a lot of different types of massage, so we have to know how to work the body. I have learned so much already, it is just amazing. If you feel the bone in your butt that you sit on? That is the Ischial Tuberosity. It has a hole that you can feel if you know what you are looking for. I am telling you this, because if you dig into that hole properly with say, your fist, in the bathtub? (so you can easily reach it yourself?) You will get a lot of relief and it will improve your posture.
I bet you didn't know that. LOL
It's called the obturator foramen that hole and it is filled will all kinds of nerves and muscle. The sciatic nerve goes through there from the spinal column on down through the legs.
So, if you dig in there with your fist? It feels like you are working those muscles in that area? You are releasing a lot of tension and nerve pain. People pay big money for that move if you can do it right.
I promise I won't keep talking about this. I PROMISE.
I didn't know you were into Star Trek.
I guess I am hot and don't even know it. ???
I never used music while drawing except for a few occasions over thirty years ago when smoking unfertilised female marijuana flowers.
Without music I'd go so deep in concentration that I'd hear nothing anyway.
When stoned, however, my whole body was moving to the music, and the mark-making on the page followed the rhythm of the music. I was dancing the drawing. The result was playful, to say the least.
So for bones in that situation, I might choose and African soul rhythm like
Perhaps this will help you....;-D....
"Winter Was Hard" performed by The Kronos Quartet
"A Door Is Ajar" performed by The Kronos Quartet
~ draw quickly -- both pieces together barely top three minutes
Chopin Piano Concerto's
Bones and music? Lord have mercy, lol. I want what you're on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We don't study the boner until next semester. Plus I can draw those things in my sleep. Just make a column with a mushroom on it
I am out of this world that is for sure
I just found this. You must not smoke a lot.
Just guessing. I mean no one refers to reefer that way.
I have a feeling I will be watching most of this show whether I choose to or not.
I have produced a very nice 1/2 os coxae.
Thank you kindly Welby
Yeah, you are right, actually.
One knicker to you.