Look at the thing! The question should be " why do I know what it is?"
You prolly heard one before though in movies or what not. It makes a lot of drones when played and is often used for a Medieval vibe. Kinda sounds like a flat viol type instrument being played. If I'm not mistaken it's considered a member of the viol family of instruments. The wheel works the same as bow.
Good grief! I know it's a cliché but that guy is as busy as a one-armed paper-hanger. Just watching him I was reminded of that old trick about rubbing your tummy in circles while you're tapping your head.
Thanks for that, Alf. I got the same rejection there. So I went to YouTube, searched for it, and it's playing just fine. I'm listening as I type. Very compelling, music, Interesting video.
Mind if I interrupt, Glis, to maybe answer your question "why do I know what it is?" I don't know how old you are, but Donovan sang a song, in 1968, called "Hurdy Gurdy Man." I believe it's accompanying him, in the background, in this video. ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHV8Wzldlck
It's that instrument I learned to play in 1st grade but then they kind of forget it even exists after 2nd grade which is probably why there aren't any world renowned flutophone players!
Little known flutophone fact. That horn thing at the end serves no purpose whatsoever. No air goes in or out of the horn and you can take it off and lose it like I did in 1st grade.