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When goodness is around evil always targets it for destruction. Evil is underhanded/sneaky/deceitful/slimy/ugly. How can good ever win?

Posted - February 10, 2017


  • 1393
    When goodness is around evil always targets it for destruction. Evil is underhanded/sneaky/deceitful/slimy/ugly. How can good ever win?


    Not easy, but it can.

    Possible strategy:

    1- Find out the facts behind both the "good" and the "evil" to make sure that the evil is not passing itself off as good and portraying the good as evil. It HAS happened and keeps happening.

    2- Present the facts to others so that they too may know - this is now easier with social media

    3- Be aware and have faith that most people like to see fair play and will speak out against injustice and evil

    4- If enough people join the call the evil/injustice can be defeated and good can win at length. It HAS happened. Nelson Mandela would have agreed.

      March 26, 2017 4:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
    SIGH. Did you happen to watch "60 Minutes" last night CLURT? They did a segment on FAKE NEWS and said something that shocked me. People who believe fake news are not only the uneducated as we have been told. The educated also believe it!  So if evil folks promulgate lies as truth and others believe it to be so how do we ever find out what is really truly truth and what is masquerading as it? They interviewed a slimy guy who apparently blogs to millions of people. He tells baldfaced lies though he insists everything he says is true. Of course he provided no evidence/proof/substantive facts for that. All he has to do is say something is true and millions of his followers believe it! Trump has the exact same effect on his supporters. How do you break through that? It is so depressing. Stories you see on the internet may or may not be real/true/honorable. They may be created just to rile you up and cause you to rant and rave against something/someone  who is innocent of any of it. It's beyond depressing. There are apparently hundreds or thousands or maybe even millions of Fake News sites to which people run to "get the truth". What a joke!  What a scam! Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I wish your outline did in fact apply but I fear it no longer does if it ever did. What we used to rely on..honor/decency/dependability longer applies. Now it is mostly all lies. Alternative Facts. :( Happy Monday m'dear!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at March 27, 2017 6:13 AM MDT
      March 27, 2017 6:12 AM MDT

  • 1393
    "It's beyond depressing." says it all and probably reflects quite accurately what decent law abiding and striving-to-lead-a-normal-life Muslims must be feeling. However, don't forget that despite the media and politicians saying otherwise

    - truth did prevail that the South African blacks who were being portrayed as terrorists were actually fighting colonisation, occupation and apartheid.

    - truth is beginning to come out, though it is a very hard labour, that the Palestinian Muslims and Christians who have been and continue to be portrayed, tightly controlled and heavily bombed as terrorists are actually fighting colonisation, occupation and apartheid.

    - truth is already with a few who are open minded and will hopefully eventually spread to others too that the overwhelmingly vast majority of Muslims have not the slightest inclination of going about killing innocent people, and that the extremely tiny proportion of them who do so in selected countries, appear to be motivated by revenge and retaliation at the devastation of their countries through bombings, invasions, occupation and the support of tyrannical rulers.
    This post was edited by CLURT at March 27, 2017 9:26 AM MDT
      March 27, 2017 9:23 AM MDT