Discussion » Questions » Environment » What are some items that you have 'touch' textural issues with?

What are some items that you have 'touch' textural issues with?

Which makes you cringe when you touch them.

For me, that would be popsicle sticks, the paper that is wrapped around crayons, and  construction paper (the stuff thats kind've ruff and grainy)-- my kindergarten teacher had a difficult time getting me to participate in arts and crafts because i would refuse to touch a lot of the materials that she would make us use xD

Posted - February 11, 2017


  • Raw chicken. So slimy and slippery. Definitely, raw chicken.
      February 11, 2017 11:07 PM MST

  • 53573
    Lots of people share that aversion.
      February 12, 2017 5:59 AM MST