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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Japan gave us Pearl Harbor. We gave them Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Fighting side-by-side with them to defeat N. Korea? Weirdly odd, isn't it?

Japan gave us Pearl Harbor. We gave them Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Fighting side-by-side with them to defeat N. Korea? Weirdly odd, isn't it?

Because of Pearl Harbor the American government gave Japanese Americans Internment camps to replace their homes. A black mark on America which will never go away.

Posted - February 13, 2017


  • Yes, the Internment camps were a black mark but you fail to remember the brutality the WW2 Japanese treated all of the Allied prisoners. The internment camps were Hilton Hotels compared to what Allied troops endured while in their POW camps. Then there was the brutal treatment of the Chinese also, like the Nanking Massacre. But after 70 something years? We have helped the Japanese so much it's incredible. Yes, we should fight side by side with them against N. Korea. We are Allies and have been for many years but I do understand what you are saying. 
      February 13, 2017 6:50 AM MST

  • 22891
    sounds like it
      February 13, 2017 9:51 AM MST