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Discussion » Questions » Legal » A gal sues her very wealthy husband for divorce and the lawyer asks for lotsa lotsa bucks. See below for why. How does that make any sense?

A gal sues her very wealthy husband for divorce and the lawyer asks for lotsa lotsa bucks. See below for why. How does that make any sense?

Her lawyer sues for enormous amounts of money so she can continue living the lifestyle to which her wealthy husband had accustomed her to while they were together. So he is punished for providing her with a lavish lifestyle and she doesn't want to give it up. Something about that doesn't seem right. Does it seem right to you?

Posted - February 18, 2017


  • Nope.  It doesn't seem right at all, but many will argue that it does somehow.
      February 18, 2017 11:03 AM MST

  • 6124
    I guess it depends upon the situation.  How long have they been married?  Do they have children together?  Over the years, did she help him entertain prospective clients/business associates in which the final outcome was a lucrative business deal for his company? Did he cheat on her? Did she cheat on him?  Was she married to him for a short period of time and appears to be just a gold digger?

    Is there a case in particular that compelled you to post this question Rosie? 
      February 18, 2017 11:36 AM MST

  • 22891
    it dont make sense to me
      February 18, 2017 8:56 PM MST