Have you ever browsed the Deep Web? What was your experience?
You need TOR (The Onion Ring) to access the Deep Web but it's a place I imagine to be infested with spiders and scorpions and deadly snakes. Have you been there? Did you come back unscathed? How?
Yes and TOR( The Onion Router) is only one way to access it. There are others like I2P.
It's not all spooky darkweb stuff. Most of it isn't. You can find lots scientific and academic reports on there. Archived stuff that has been long gone from the surface web. Even some sites that aren't all that much different than surface websites just there to be a little more exclusive and nerdy. People automatically think redrooms, CP, and illegal weapons and drugs. There's a lot of that on the indexable web too though. Too many youtube creepypastas.
YouTube can be a useful resource but I've never made much use of it. You can learn all manner of things there.
But thanks for the info about the Deep Web. (I didn't know about I2P). As you pointed out it's probably more nerdy than naughty. One of these days I'll go exploring.
Only once...and it was because you showed me (us) how...
I was interested in Glis' answer, that there might be interesting stuff there too, because that one time I ran into things that made me never want to go back there...just not interested...I prefer the racy Q's and A's here on aMug!
I do, too. I joined a group called "Question Diversity" that was formed back in December to try to broaden the scope. In joining I undertook to ask 5 or more questions every day. I thought that was a stretch but it's working out easier than I thought.
Well Dozy, kudos due to you...your questions are delightful!
Not sure if I could EVER match that...even if I could think of all those great questions, it still takes lots of time and thought and attention to attend properly to the fine and thoughtful responses you are receiving here on aMug.
Yep, that can be a problem. But if somebody takes the trouble to answer I think they deserve a response. Unfortunately I receive no notifications from any questions asked -- well, not many -- so I have to check them a couple of times a day to see who I've missed.
Hmmm...I noticed that I might not be receiving quite all the notifications, but still quite a few...
I wonder what causes that with you here? Cannot be the same thing as on Ask.com, where they could not re-activate our accounts, you had to start over to receive notifications...