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What Is The Universe Made Of?

I watched a (fascinating) discussion between two scientists yesterday...both atheists, but one of the scientists was based in the very special spin that Buddhism gives to science. So here is a verse that the Buddhist brought up, and I have been thinking about it...so are atoms more fundamental to the elemental structure of the universe or is it stories, or is it something else? 

* * *
The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

~ Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980), in her poem “Speed of Darkness.”

Posted - February 19, 2017


  • 17570
      February 19, 2017 4:57 PM MST

  • 6988
    How can something come from nothing?  
      February 19, 2017 3:36 PM MST

  • hi bhwilson,
    I have been thinking about your Q...and would be quite interested if you might care to elaborate on it a bit?
    How can it indeed, do you have an answer?
      February 19, 2017 4:28 PM MST

  • I think energy that can and does become matter ... how and why and under what influence is another story
    Ps i don't really know either
      February 19, 2017 4:42 PM MST

  • thank you Ozgirl, a fascinating transformation....energy to matter!
      February 19, 2017 5:47 PM MST

  • 22891
    have no idea to be honest, i dont think anyone knows
      February 19, 2017 4:53 PM MST

  • Hi Pearl, and thank you for coming to my question!
      February 19, 2017 5:45 PM MST

  • Hi Virginia. Its very good to see you.

    As one not inclined to lean on metaphorical explanations, I offer the following:

    The universe is comprised of the set of everything; all that is seen and unseen, all that is known and unknown, though most of it will never be seen or known; spread out into a vastness we cannot comprehend, by forces we cannot harness, know not whence they come, and are at odds to even describe. Left to the pleasure and task of our scientists, philosophers and dreamers to articulate, even our best efforts are breathtakingly insufficient by comparison of its reality. 

    To wit:
    When science finally discovers the center of universe, a lot of people will be disappointed they aren't it.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 20, 2017 3:30 PM MST
      February 19, 2017 5:19 PM MST

  • Oh Z! Hurrah!

    Dearest Zee, i truly hope I do not offend your (all this directly lifted from Blurt) 'unequivocal atheism, as you recite Proverbs 2:10-12:

    "When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee; To deliver thee from the way of the evil man."'...

    *  *   *
    ...however your breathtakingly beautiful answer, doesn't it smack just a bit of mysticism, spirituality, even perhaps (cough, choke, um) ...religion?

    * * *
    ...and then to answer my own (impertinent) question, of course your answer does not do that...it's just your own magnificent way of relating to the universe, to life.

    Well, can you tell I am glad to find you here on aMug?

      February 19, 2017 5:44 PM MST

  • With respect to Proverbs, even in my unequivical atheism (or, perhaps because of it), there is no reason to not avail myself of useful wisdom from whatever source, yet remain cognizant of the forest for the trees. Shakespeare once said, "the devil can cite scripture for his purpose", perhaps relevant here. 

    In my answer, I sought to express as all-encompassing a view as was possible within my own lexicon. I think the universe (or your question) deserves no less.

    I am also glad to have found you here, one of very few reasons I've seen to remain.  This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 20, 2017 3:31 PM MST
      February 19, 2017 6:08 PM MST

  • Well Zee I am very glad that SOMEONE realizes that my question merits a response that all-encompasses the universe...(not what you said, but I rather like the sound of it).

    ...and I feel great peace with the idea of availing wisdom from whatever source, testing EVERYTHING out with our own inner "sword of discernment." The individual discernment is something that we all absolutely must do, inside or outside of atheist/theist.
      February 19, 2017 6:32 PM MST

  • Z, you've very beautifully put the concept of infinity into perspective.
      February 19, 2017 7:00 PM MST

  • Thanks, WT.
    I find certain categories lend themselves to my style of thinking, ---for better or worse--- I find the philosophical to be among them. I find it cathartic to devise thoughtful responses from the restive voice in my head. 
      February 19, 2017 7:47 PM MST

  • Does it really matter (pun inteded)? 
    We are too busy at present in the process of self-annihilation by destroying our own tiny patch of the immense garden of Eden gifted to us. Let's first concentrate on reversing the snowballing process we have unwittingly set in motion before looking into bigger things. 
      February 19, 2017 6:35 PM MST

  • Well said. More pressing matters lie before us. If we can't manage our little dry patches on this blue speck, we are unworthy of the rest of "all there is". 
      February 19, 2017 6:53 PM MST

  • Well put, Z. Thank you. 
      February 19, 2017 6:55 PM MST

  • Oh that sounds good to me, Wisdom Tooth!
    (Even though I cannot help taking an occasional peek at what makes all this 'tick,' so to speak...who are we and what are we DOING here...)
      February 19, 2017 9:09 PM MST