Discussion » Questions » Legal » Going topless in Ft Collins Colorado, just made legal. Your thoughts?

Going topless in Ft Collins Colorado, just made legal. Your thoughts?

Is this a step forward, or a step back?
Will it make a difference at all, on anything?

Is it legal to go topless where you live?

Do you think this is a matter of human rights? If men are able to walk around topless, shouldn't women have the same prerogative?

Are these nothing but a bunch of women with nothing better to do than to fight for their right to show their nipples?
If so, why did the courts indulge them on their bouncy shenanigans?

What do you think?

Posted - February 23, 2017


  • You are quite correct Jane, but then again my points were never intended to make comment on the law.. it's not my law and I don't have any strong feelings either way..I did express surprise that women were protesting about it and it being said to be an equality issue.. You and L taught me that yes that really was what was being said! I bowed to your greater knowledge on that one..  The original question was about good or bad that women can... my comments addressing that were that it's good and bad.. there are genuine differences in the biology that mean that it can be distinctly uncomfortable not to wear a bra..  My daughter has big boobs, she OFTEN suffers discomfort with them when they are accidentally knocked etc... as do most women with medium and bigger boobs... and there are good physical reasons why we support them in terms of them looking better (cite tribes where women don't wear bras they become very very saggy) 
    I think, to answer your question, I have expressed that I don't much care if women want to go topless or not.. so that's my standpoint.. re the govt.. again I don't have any strong feelings either way as I think this is kinda a non-issue..  As an aside.. isn't it the states where they often show women's boobs in films but never a man's dick?  
      February 24, 2017 3:53 AM MST

  • I never said I thought it was an equality issue. Im just asking a.Question. I don't quite get you tho. On one hand you say that you don't see.what's the big deal, but on the other hand you call the women dumb and stupid. 
    On one hand you say you're a feminist, but on the other you say you don't see this as an equality issue. 
    And at the end, it seems that your whole objection is about breast size??
    Now to be clear... I do agree with you that men and women are different. And.that it is ridiculous to look around and see the sexual role that breasts have in our society, and then say. "Its the same, they are just nipples".
    I think that's just plain ridiculous. I could accept that if we lived in some place in Africa or the rain forest where women do go.about bare chested. But in the west, no.
    I do agree with that.

      February 23, 2017 4:34 PM MST

  • Ahh the confines of a general Q&A site when none of us really have time to do things justice.. I will try to be as clear as I can, (tho I know you and I have often had misunderstandings re language etc in the past, perhaps a difference in the way we use language or something else...) I don't think I said you said it was an equality issue..  I DON'T feel it is an equality issue tho I accept that that was the given *reason* in that story.. I think it's way deeper than that and some of it is sexual and some is a very effusive (cant find the right word!!!) enthusiasm on the part of those who claim to be feminists.. I AM feminist, everyone should be... but we know there are those who are erm more... militantly so...aggressively so... to the point where they are not seeking equality but are seeking something else... does that make sense?  
    My points re dumb and stupid (IF I used both those words and I am not sure i did) were that this was a stupid thing to fight on those terms.. it's NOT about equality, or shouldnt be..  I don't see it as an equality issue.. there are better fights and better reasons to fight than this *excuse* and I think rathr than helping women it....
    I don't have ANY objection.. see thats where you and i get hung up.. you *interpret* my words, you've done that a good few times before.. that's where the problem lies.. I don;t object at all.. I never said I did... I did say it's NOT about feminism and that it's NOT about equality... it's about breast size yea.. and it's about sexuality and the fact that breasts ARE a sexual body part in women.. put it this way.. do you think many of the men there would be keen to go there to see equality? or to ogle at some titties? We know the latter.. and while I am feminist that is not to say that sometimes women don't do themselves any favours and sometimes walk right into making things worse for women.. as in making themselves MORE sexualised...

    We agree on much I think.. it's just the technicalities of language... that cause difficulties.. I would pose the question.. do we KNOW for sure that the African women are NOT seen as sexual when they bare their breasts? Can we be sure we are experts on the matter? their motives?  Or are we putting our thoughts into the equation? Like when we see loads of African tribal women with no bra.. all saggy and not looking how we think of breasts sexually.. we assume they are not sexual? 
    I am not one for going back over an over re questions.. so i may not return to this topic.. but if you want to discuss privately, or anyone else does... I am happy to... My natural interests are re psychology and sexology
      February 24, 2017 4:07 AM MST

  • Homer Simpson said once, "just because I don't care, it doesn't mean I don't understand" I would say that , just because I don't agree with you, doesn't mean that I don't understand.
    And since I know your comments are not out of malice im going to help you out here. 
    You're all over the place because you don't know the arguments.
    The argument against is based on public decency and the thought that, since breasts are of a sexual nature, having them exposed, may cause unpredictable damage to children. That's one argument. And we could argue all day long if breasts are sexual and if they are, is their exposure bad for the children. After all, we gotta think about the children!
    The other argument is....there is a law that keeps women from doing what men freely can. And only because of outdated backward thinking with no other purpose than to keep women down and controlled. Is there a reason for that law? Is it discriminating? Hence the equality argument.
    Those are the arguments . . .nothing else. . .
    Personally, I think that there are things in womenland way more important than fighting to show their breasts. BUT..like someone else said, one fight for equality should not exclude another. So that kind of kills my argument there.
    On women saying that they need their breasts exposed, because men do it, or because it gets warm, or because wearing clothes is uncomfortable, I think that's just plain silly.
      February 24, 2017 9:28 AM MST

  • ... you will almost never see women complaining about their right to show boobs . . 

    You do realize that this were women demonstrating and complaining about their right to show boobs right?

    I would agree with you that this will make no difference. Breast exposure has been legal in New York for about ten years and as far as I can see, The city hasn't sunk to the ocean because of it. Is it legal in the UK? This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 23, 2017 4:50 PM MST
      February 23, 2017 1:16 PM MST

  • >>You do realize that this were women demonstrating and complaining about their right to show boobs right?<<  what can I say.. they must be dumber than I thought.. .the level of stupidity never fails to surprise me.. This seriously isn't about rights and equality...

    We've many nudist beaches, and many nudist resorts.. I think we are less bothered about it all. 
      February 23, 2017 1:22 PM MST

  • 11333
    Yes, it seriously is about equal right and it is not dumb for a woman to want the same rights as a man. There are some places where women can go topless in the US, but not in the majority of places. Just because this is a non-issue where you live, does not make it stupid. And yes, clearly, you are less bothered about it; some people here would like the same freedom.
      February 23, 2017 4:50 PM MST

  • We are? I must have missed that too.
      February 24, 2017 5:12 AM MST

  • Yeah, but do you not think that , "just cause the men do it", is sort of a weak reason to want to do anything? Is the.only.merit of the.whole.thing is to do something because they do it?
    I mean, is that all.there really is to it?

      February 23, 2017 4:38 PM MST

  • 19937
    Be careful what you wish for.  Not everyone is a Baywatch beauty. 
      February 23, 2017 1:40 PM MST

  • 6023
    Don't really care.
    It's actually legal to go fully nude, anywhere in the US ... as long as your motive for doing so isn't to titillate.

    But since the vast majority of Americans are overweight - most people are too body conscious to be nude.  Or even topless. 
    Though there are still too many people with "beer guts" hanging out, than I want to see.  Ugh!
      February 23, 2017 1:47 PM MST

  • 6124
    It is not "legal to go fully nude, anywhere in the U.S..."  In the majority of the country, state & local laws dictate that nudity in public places is illegal.    

      February 23, 2017 5:00 PM MST

  • Of course it is not legal. 
    That's silly.
    Thanks Harry.
      February 23, 2017 5:08 PM MST

  • 6124
    I was responding to Walt's post.  Specifically his second sentence...

    "It's actually legal to go fully nude, anywhere in the US ... as long as your motive for doing so isn't to titillate."

      February 23, 2017 5:11 PM MST

  • I know Harry, I was agreeing with you!! This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 23, 2017 5:20 PM MST
      February 23, 2017 5:16 PM MST

  • 6124
    Why didn't you say anything to him?  Do I have to do everything around here?  *sigh*

      February 23, 2017 5:21 PM MST

  • You know, I thought about it, but I knew you would. So I just waited. Now you're the bad guy.  ))
      February 23, 2017 5:24 PM MST

  • 6023

    Actually, it IS legal ... according to numerous court rulings AGAINST those laws being enforced, when the person going nude (or topless) was not doing so for reasons to titillate.

    Remember, just because there is a "law on the books" does NOT mean courts have found it enforceable.

      February 23, 2017 5:52 PM MST

  • 6124
    Please post the links that support the legality of this Walt.  I can't believe someone walking around nude in a public place where children might wander, wouldn't be arrested and at a BARE minimum be fined.  (pun intended).

    Just because a court finds someone not guilty of titillation in a specific incident, doesn't mean nudity is legal in the US. This post was edited by Harry at February 24, 2017 8:14 AM MST
      February 24, 2017 3:41 AM MST

  • If only my typing was faster I'd tell you about Bondi Beach. It's been topless for decades. 

    The only people who think there's anything unusual are the Japanese tourists who come by the busload to stand on the concourse and take bad photographs with good cameras.
      February 23, 2017 1:51 PM MST

  • I take it you think it is alright then, for women to go.about topless . . .  Down the road. .. sitting down and having coffee, . .where you're going to walk by in the morning with your dog and your little.boy?
      February 23, 2017 4:41 PM MST

  • In Oz it's restricted to the beach and, yes, I'm fine with it. Why not? We really need to drop the old prohibitions. 

    I was at an agricultural show one time and saw a mother rushing her kid away from a calf feeding at it's mother's udder. Now THAT is crazy -- but it's in the same area. There's nothing intrinsically unwholesome about the human boduy.
      February 23, 2017 4:48 PM MST

  • Come on Didge, you're being disingenuous now. 
    A cow walking down 1st Avenue may raise some eyebrows, but none of them are going to be.raised because the.cow.is.not wearing a.bra.
    The part on the unwholesomeness of it it implies that any dissent must be because of my perception of the female body or parts of it, as unclean or unwholesome. 
    All we have to do is look around, at all media outlets and we can clearly see how (right or wrong) in our society the.breasts are a highly sexualized part of the female.body.
    If you were to say, but so is the male chest for.women. then I'd have.to.completely concede. If it's ok for men to show then it should be ok for women too.
    But when people say, "come on, what's the big deal, they is just meat" 
    I have a little difficulty understanding that.
      February 23, 2017 4:58 PM MST

  • I have NEVER thought of a woman's body, or any part of ity, as "just meat". That's a line that was taken by a radical Muslim cleric in Sydney a few years ago before a group of his members went out and gang raped a woman they considered to be "just meat". That's a lousy thing to sayu. 

    Disingenuoius? Of course not. The woman was so horrified that her child may see a calf feeding at it's mother's udder that she ran. That is so inhibited, so stupid on her part, that I despised her. How much better to let the child see something so natural.
      February 23, 2017 5:37 PM MST

  • 7280
    Apropos of nothing, I have 3 grown boys...All were breast fed...Depending on when this calculations were made, I suspect that there have by ages in my life that my boys have been more familiar with my wife's breasts than I was.
      February 23, 2017 5:47 PM MST