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Discussion » Questions » Emotions » Are you impressed by "smart-like-a-fox" adults who act childish if they are very wealthy? Is being a childish adult impressive on its own?

Are you impressed by "smart-like-a-fox" adults who act childish if they are very wealthy? Is being a childish adult impressive on its own?

Posted - February 26, 2017


  • 6988
    In my town, we once had a guy like that ------------------ his father had bought old  empty oil wells during the Depression, and after WW2, he sold that land for farming and accumulated millions. So the kid became a spoiled brat. He wanted to be a big shot like his daddy and bought a pub downtown where he could be a 'boss'. He was an a-- and got into fights with his patrons all the time. I remember seeing him at the bank one day -----he had a black eye! Anyway, he died young of a heart attack and left a pile of wealth for his kids. Those kids are good productive citizens these days.
      February 26, 2017 4:32 AM MST

  • 113301
    So there is hope for The Donald then? At age 70 he is still a spoiled brat. Maybe to you he is a smart-like-a-fox childish wealthy powerbroker. To him he never will be anything but what he is. None of which will ever be my cuppa tea. Thank you for your reply bh. You do admire The Donald as-is don't you? I never will. Nothing there for me except bad news.
      February 26, 2017 4:40 AM MST

  • 6988
    Perhaps I am in favor of a President who is NOT A LAWYER for a change. Most people in Congress are lawyers. Where are the farmers- the small business owners-people from all walks of life who we want representing US? I'll take a Donald once in a while rather than another lawyer!
      February 26, 2017 4:51 AM MST

  • 113301
    What does The Donald know about farmers, small business owners from all walks of life? He has lived a PRIVILEDGED LIFE of the WEALTHY WHITE. He knows nothing about worrying how you're going to pay yours bills or send your kid to college or being wiped out by huge medical bills. He has never been jobless on welfare.  He knows nothing about  life at all. He has lived in a pretentious bubble his entire life and his education is very limited too.  You see him as a white knight. I see him as a selfish greedy lying taker who cares only about himself and what he can get out of every DEAL. Who is right? I leave that up to you to decide bh. Different strokes etcetera and so forth.
      February 26, 2017 4:58 AM MST

  • 22891
    dont sound impressive to me
      February 26, 2017 9:15 PM MST