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What could a billionaire who has lived in a pretentious priviledged WHITE bubble his entire life KNOW about the worries of ordinary people?

Posted - February 26, 2017


  • Hi Rosie

    In my opinion, that person would NOT know what it would be like. At best, it would simply be an observation and perhaps to imagine in empathy. Having said that, it is well known that many billionaires are great philanthropist for many great causes. Bill and Melinda Gates usually top this list. I know Bill Gates did not start out with this wealth, yet has shown the dedication to help. 

    I do agree that your question is very thought provoking, as I doubt much thought is given to whether I can afford my medication refills.

    Have a great Sunday! 
      February 26, 2017 5:14 AM MST

  • 113301
    Of course I was speaking about Doofus Donny specifically. I am aware of the great good that people such as Bill & Melida Gates have done. There is some sort of consortium of billionaires who have signed a pledge to leave most of their fortunes to charities. I think there are over 100 of them who signed that pledge! That is something very special I think. I have always admired those who give back. It is said "those to whom much is given much is expected". Those folks who give lots of money to charitable organizations on the advice of their tax accountants are worthless. Yes the money does good and that is a positive thing but the motive is selfish and therefore they're greedy phonies. I have been in situations raising my son where I only had $5 left in my checking account before payday and sweated it out. What happens if the car breaks down or medical bills overwhelm? I doubt that the Doofus knows anything about what that's like.  Thank you for your thoughtful reply JB and Happy Sunday to thee!  :)
      February 26, 2017 5:22 AM MST

  • A bit off topic, but I am proud of this story:

    I never became a smoker or a took up drinking of spirits, due to that fact that I could not afford to. I am grateful. 
      February 26, 2017 5:29 AM MST

  • 113301
    That certainly is looking on the positive side of life m'dear. I smoked ONCE. I was 10 and took a cigarette out of my uncle's cigarette pack. I went down to the basement(it was in Michigan..they have basements there. They don't in California where I live now), lit up, inhaled, swallowed it and let it out my nose. I had read that's what you have to do to look real cool. Well it burned like he** and I almost barfed. It was so painful and disgusting and unpleasant. That cured me. Why on earth anyone would do a follow up act on that and wish to smoke is beyond me. I think there are more than a few MASOCHISTS in the world and cigarette smokers are among them. As for alcohol. I enjoy it in moderation. Thank you for your reply JB! And thank you for sharing experience with me. I appreciate it! :)
      February 26, 2017 5:52 AM MST

  • 22891
    maybe not much
      February 26, 2017 8:51 PM MST