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If you wanted to start a new religion what would be the basic belief system?

Lots of new religions have sprung up in the past 150 years from Spiritualism, Christian Science, Jehovah's Wtnesses, Scientology, and so on. Even we Pastafarians are new. So it's your turn to start one. What angle could you pursue that would make it different? 

Posted - February 27, 2017


  • 5614
    Belief in the God of Moses and of Enoch, my hero. What else?
      February 27, 2017 9:16 PM MST

  • There have been so many new religions in recent times that almost anything is up for grabs (including the Church of the Orbiting Tea Pot, which you could Google). But, of course, the Hebrew god is still among the most popular.
      February 27, 2017 9:24 PM MST

  • 2658
    The God Of Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob and starting with the 18-inch journey, the approximate distance from your mind to your heart.

    Is it all just in your head; but not in your heart? It is interesting that 2nd Corinthians 4:4 teaches that Satan blinds THE MIND of unbelievers; but Romans 10:9-10 teaches that a person is saved when they believe from THE HEART.

    A true Christian carries the Church around with them all of the time, in their heart. This post was edited by Beans/SilentGeneration at February 27, 2017 11:46 PM MST
      February 27, 2017 10:25 PM MST

  • Thanks,  Beans. Not exactly a new religion but I take your point.
      February 27, 2017 10:31 PM MST

  • 2658
    I'll call it the 18-inch religion:)
      February 27, 2017 10:36 PM MST

  • 2971
    It would be based upon the films of Kubrick and Herzog.
      February 27, 2017 10:32 PM MST

  • You'd have plenty of scope there.
      February 28, 2017 3:08 AM MST

  • Dear Dozy,
    Here is my idea on a BRAND NEW religion...

    Get rid of all belief systems and prove it out for yourself.

    ***Oh, wait, I think that one may already be taken...didn't the Buddha, and Yeshua ben Joseph the Christ, and Mohammad, Elijah, Krishna...didn't they already do something like that?***
      February 27, 2017 10:33 PM MST

  • They did indeed. There is nothing new under the sun. 

    Dunno if I ever told you this story but the Scientific American once published an article under that title: There is nothing new under the sun. It was about history's first wrist watch which belonged to Alexander the Great. It didn't have a face and hands and gears, it was a piece of cloth soaked in light-sensitive chemicals by his alchemists. As the intensity of the sunlight hit the chemicals they changed colour and gave him an approximate time. It was known as Alexander's Rag Time Band.

    But that wasn't the funny bit. That came later when the French, who have absolutely no sense of humour at all, wrote it up and quoted the Scientific American spoof as source material.

    One for your Ask file. 
      February 28, 2017 3:12 AM MST

  • Come on Didge. You didn't even mention my Dewligion.

    One of our basic beliefs is the saying of prayers or repentance of sins... such as drinking Mellow Yellow. We kneel with heads bowed before a bowl of undrinken (is that a word?) Dew (which is our holy water). Behind the bowl sits the Council of The Dew. The council is made up of every long term flavor of Mountain Dew: Original in the middle, Livewire to the right, Voltage to the left, White Out to the far right, and Code Red to the far left. Coincidentally, Code Red is also the undertaker... You know, the color of blood and all.

    We then proceed to say our prayer and complete that prayer by dipping a greenish-gold goblet into the bowl of holy Dew and then drink it. We say a quick, "Praise Dew" and we go about our way.
      February 27, 2017 10:50 PM MST

  • 508
    it would have to involve cookies, someway or another but not just any cookies but chewy cookies with chocolate chunks. 
      February 27, 2017 11:46 PM MST

  • If you want to fill a house of worship, Skunky, it'll need to include some deodorant, too. Unless, of course, only skunks will be worshipping. 
      February 28, 2017 3:15 AM MST

  • 2657
    For a cookie, I will give you a link that may help confirm your faith in the Bible.
      March 10, 2017 1:53 AM MST

  • Being kind.
      February 28, 2017 2:27 AM MST

  • Nice one. 
      February 28, 2017 3:16 AM MST

  • It is curious how uplifting the simplest act of kindness can be to both the receiver and the doer.
      February 28, 2017 8:46 AM MST

  • I know what you mean. Mrs Didge and I once picked up two women who were walking in heat wave. We dropped them off where they wanted to go and, as they got out of the car, one of them said, "Thank you. I'll do the same for somebody else." I thought it was a great attitude and spreads the friendly stuff around. 
      February 28, 2017 1:06 PM MST

  • Mine is doing very simple things too.  I work in food services in a hospital. Once a elderly, and very tired woman brought her tray to my register.  I rang her up then offered to carry her tray to a table.  Two people in line were so impressed they made mention to the supervisor.  This was subsequently posted on the announcement board and I was given a Kindness Coin.  A Kindness Coin is a small, about quarter sized ceramic coin.  They are part of Ben's Bells (Google it) a program to promote kind acts which the hospital participates in.  The coin is cool to have, ego strokes which we all like. But the bigger point is little things like carrying a tray are just things one should do.
      February 28, 2017 1:18 PM MST

  • 1393

    If you wanted to start a new religion what would be the basic belief system?


     Mine wouldn't exactly be a new religion, "what! yet another one!? Haven't we got too many already?"

    So mine would be a religious movement that would urge the followers of all religions to engage in finding out, and openly and frankly questioning and learning, about other religions. The aim being to identify and grow what is common between the religions, and what is common with reason and what is common with the increasing number of verified facts unveiled by science.

    That would be my religious movement’s contribution to reducing conflict in the world.

      March 30, 2017 4:05 AM MDT