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If, as some physicists believe, life is all illusion then why do billions of people experience the same one? How can that be?

Posted - March 1, 2017


  • 1713
    Maybe that physicist is a solipsist and he thinks those billions of people aren't actually there?
      March 1, 2017 5:57 AM MST

  • 113301
    I had heard the word "solipsist" before but I never bothered to look it up Patch. I just did for which I thank you. It's a theory that states "Only the self exists or can be proved to exist". Now isn't that the same as Cogito ergo sum/Je pense donc je suis?  As far as the theory that humans manufacture/create their own illusion to make sense of their surroundings it is stated as a given...a generality...not a specific. So it would include all of us. Can we all imagine the same reality? I don't see how that is possible unless we are all "plugged in" to the same outlet and we are plugged in to the same illusion.  It gets complicated. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
      March 1, 2017 6:46 AM MST

  • 318
    What makes you so sure there are billions of people? Couldn't they all just be your imagination, or an illusion of yours? Even my answer may just be an illusion created by you, and only you, as you are the illusionist?
      March 1, 2017 12:48 PM MST

  • 113301
    Seriously Maurice? How plugged in/unplugged are you? How old are you? The questions you ask seem out of place. They seem to be an attempt to show off something. What exactly that might be only you can know. However since you are the one who brought this up I will absolutely admit you exist only because of me.  Have I imagined YOU? You believe you don't exist except when I allow you to? If  that is the case then I hereby abandon you, dissolve you, disembody you. I admit you are a figment of my imagination. Everything you are or hope to be is all due to me! I am WOMAN here me roar! You are nothing if that is what I choose you to be. Happy now? You existed because of me. Now you don't because you have offended me. Farewell figment. I have consciously dissolved you into nothingness.
      March 1, 2017 2:56 PM MST

  • 318
    Rosie, sorry if I offended you. I am  unplugged completely. How old, well I am a senior, with lots of years behind me. I just thought, as you were asking about illusions I would suggest an answer for you. And if you are reading this, then I guess I am not an illusion.
    I will control my answers to your posts in the future, never fear.  TTFN
      March 1, 2017 3:41 PM MST

  • 113301
    I'm 79. Are you seniorer than I am? You didn't offend me. You just gave me a springboard to go off on a riff. Sorry if I offended you. I take whatever is made available to me Maurice and I use it to my advantage. "My advantage" in every case is to trigger things that occur to me and say them. So thanks for being a fodder provider. As for controlling your answers do as you wish. I certainly don't intend to intimidate or control you. But you do see that whatever you dish out is going to come back to you in some way. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It is fact of nature  I am too! Happy Thursday! :)
      March 2, 2017 4:13 AM MST

  • I'd ask these physicists, "Please, step in front of a fast moving car."  They will be disabused of this silly idea. 
      March 1, 2017 7:07 PM MST

  • 113301
     They will simply tell you that whatever occurs is also an illusion.  And so it goes. Did you ever see the movie  The Matrix? All of those poor saps were "living lives" of illusion as they dreamed away time. How can you know if you are the butterfly dreaming you are human or a human dreaming you are a buttefrly? Oh. Here comes a question. Thank you for your reply whistle! :)
      March 2, 2017 4:16 AM MST

  • Being struck by a car would be difficult to discount as an illusion.  Loa Tzu question about the butterfly is not a proposal about the nature of reality.  It rather reflects the idea of disproving such a statement.  One may not be able to disprove it but that is no reason at all to accept it or even entertain it as a possibility. 
      March 2, 2017 8:07 AM MST

  • 22891
    thats cause its not an illusion
      March 1, 2017 9:43 PM MST

  • 113301
     Thank you for your reply pearl. How do you KNOW?
      March 2, 2017 4:17 AM MST