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So why is the Lords different to the EU?

The Brexit campaign just won the referendum. One of their arguments was that the EU is not democratically accountable. Not quite true; we elect MEPs. It is only the European Commission that is not elected, but instead, appointed by the elected MEPs, to whom it only acts as a kind of steering group, anyway. But the House of Lords is not at all democratically accountable. So, if they are so big on democracy, why are they not equally vociferous in demanding democratic accountability in that?

Posted - June 24, 2016


  • 46117

    I'm learning from you and your across the pond guys, Harry.  I am just listening right now.

      June 24, 2016 1:34 PM MDT

  • I think the answer is. .. Why has anyone given away ammunition during an argument ... I don't think you're supposed th think about such questions .. But I agree with you. .. a valid If inconvenient question
      June 24, 2016 4:08 PM MDT

  • 359

    Your point is valid in a way that Lords is not elected.. But the Laws of the UK are made in the Parliament not in Lords.. Lords is a house of review not a house where laws are enacted.. Parliament is elected by the people.. So thats the difference..  If the UK is to fully be a democratic nation then Lords needs to be either ended or it's membership needs to be elected like other nations review houses which are usually called Senate's ...

      June 24, 2016 10:41 PM MDT

  • The House of Lords only has the power to veto legislation not make legislation. It can therefore never take away our rights and is no threat to liberty.

    The E.U. Commission makes legislation. It is the executive. That is a massive threat to us.

    Any large union is intrinsically undemocratic. The larger  and more diverse it is, the less democracy. The larger a group the more the individual is subjugated to the will of the collective.

      June 25, 2016 6:47 AM MDT
  • Bez


    It's not, it's different FROM the EU.

      June 25, 2016 6:55 AM MDT
  • Bez


    I am point is completely valid? He is point is completely valid? Do those sentences make sense? If not, why would "You are point is completely valid" make any more sense than those other two?

      June 25, 2016 7:43 AM MDT

  • 739
    The House of Lords has so little real power that I don't think it really matters who sits in it. But it is completely unelected, and I say again, we elected MEPs, it is only the European Commission, which is appointed by the elected MEPs, which is not elected, and the Commission is only a steering group. I don't believe it has that much power. I find it hypocritical that the Brexit people made an issue of the democratic accountabillity of the EU, and don't speak of the Lords. For years, the Labour party chipped away at the power of the Lords, and recently Cameron has been proposing to erode even more of its power. That illustrates why I have less faith in our own politicians to protect our rights than the EU. You can't rely on Labour to do that. You can't rely on the Conservatives. The EU imposed standards of rights that all member states were required to live up to. Now, Britain no longer has that protection. I believe our leaving the union will be a dark day in our countries history. The economy will tank. The EU, as a body, is powerful enough to stand up to the United States. Little Britain on its own is not. I hope I am wrong, and that things will turn out better than I fear. I don't think I will be.
      June 25, 2016 8:29 PM MDT

  • What's you're point.

      June 26, 2016 11:32 AM MDT

  • 739
    Grasshopper, Andy was making a grammatical point. SantaLucia used you're, the abbreviated form of you are, when she should have used your. This was not the first time I have noticed Andy picking up these sort of points.
      June 26, 2016 11:40 AM MDT

  • 739
    On the other hand, you were probably making a joke, Grasshopper.
      June 26, 2016 11:42 AM MDT