I was sitting at my desk and somehow cut my finger slightly. I wiped the blood on a piece of paper sitting on my desk. When I looked at the blood spot a couple of hours later, I saw (in my feeble mind) a body of a bird. I just drew a beak and feet and my masterpiece was born. I have it listed for sale at $3,000,000 US. If you're interested in purchasing it Didge, I will give you the friends and family price of $4 US.
We had so many we didn't bother to name them; we just gave them a number. If you want to know how it's done just drop me a note and I'll email you the manual.
...am liking to help people Create a solution to remove the walls they have built around themselves. To uncreate what has been created...LOL ...sometimes making a Mandala in Stained Glass that when gazed upon would stimulate/inspire a deeper feeling within the heart, gave me a good feeling. ...probably likened to that when a painter creates a painting that draws people into it with a good feeling...you know. Digitally, I can do a mandala, but there was something special that would occur when the light passing through the different kinds and colors of glass. It is like another dimension of awareness would occur, with the Sun passing through the glass, ...anyway I used to Dabble in Stained Glass. haha
Sounds nice. My daughter in law used to make things from stained glass. It's quite lovely.
When I was working in the city I occasionally dropped in the Garrison Church just to sit and think. There was never anybody there and if the stained glass windows were off-set by generations of schoolboys who had carved their names into the pews, it was still very restful. This is one of their windows:
Don't knock it. It's a dying art. Since the Internet our craft shops are scattered pretty thinly. Whether it's dressmaking or something artistic, it's not to be underestimated.
Hi Tiger Paws, I'm with Didge and funny Not Flo. Echooos and you have a creative and needed talent. There are very few people who can sew anything these days. I'm lucky if I can sew a button on and have it stay longer than a day. Good for you. That is very creative. :) :)