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Based on your grasp of history, if you could go back to experience one period of the past which would it be?

And why? 

Posted - March 4, 2017


  • 22891
    probably my babyhood, i think life was easier that way
      March 9, 2017 3:35 PM MST

  • 604

    OMG how to choose!!

    I'm a huge American Revolution buff, so would love to have been at Lexington & Concord, to see just WHO the hell fired that first shot..many historians don't even know..........

    and to visit Shakespeare........the big phony!! he never wrote any of that stuff; it was Edward de Vere....but anyhow, 'ol Will would probably be interesting to talk to; he was a minor actor, invested in real estate, etc.....

    and NYC and HOllywood in the 1930's!!!  to see all the fabulous night spots, the celebs, etc..

    and Harlem same time period!! what I'd give to see the Savoy hear all that great music and see the big entertainers of the time!!!

    oh.....and to be at the Apollo the night Ella Fitzgerald lost her nerve to do her dance number and sang instead......TALK ABOUT HISTORY!! LOL.....

    and.........Marilyn Monroe standing on that subway grating filming "the Seven Year Itch' see the men gaping/gawking at her. & maybe to overhear her talking to her co-star and director!!!!!!!!

    oh.............sooooo many more...........just the beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      April 30, 2017 2:05 PM MDT

  • 1326
    I would like to have witnessed the establishment of the Christian congregation in the year 33 of our common era.
      June 19, 2017 10:05 PM MDT

  • 46117
    LOL  And just what would you think you would witness?  I wish you could go back too.  It would save a lot of time and trouble explaining things to you that you think you know. 

    Boy would you get an eyeful, honey.
      June 20, 2017 10:00 AM MDT

  • 7683
    The Elizabethan era;))
      June 19, 2017 10:25 PM MDT

  • 604
    hey, interesting choice!!!  first thing I'd do is go to the Globe theater & ask for Mr. Shakespeare......I'm one of those who DO NOT think he wrote the plays; Edward de Vere did.........long story, to say the least.....ANYHOOOO...... I'd ask around for him and chat with him a while; see what he's 'been up to' so to speak; is he acting? writing? how long has he been in town? WOW just imagine sitting & chatting with him........and sooner or later I'd ask if he ever tried his hand at writing anything....THEN I'D HOLD MY BREATH IN ANTICIPATION of his answer!!

    what would it be?????   was he writing anything, anything at all, or was it the furthest thing from his mind, and he was more interested in acting & being a part of the theater company..

    The mind boggles, right? and now you have ma hoping someone really does invent a time machine.......although from all that I've heard/read, it is NOT POSSIBLE TO GO BACK IN TIME, ONLY INTO THE FUTURE....

    but OH what fun to ponder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      June 20, 2017 8:01 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I have zero interest in going back anywhere.   I am totally focused on what transpires to me personally NOW. 
    There is nothing in history that is any more interesting than my own life NOW.    That does not mean I am not very interested in history, I just don't care to exchange one experience for any that I am currently having.  It's silly.  Kind of like wishing to live on another planet or going off into outer space.    The fact is:  NO OPPORTUNITY THAT WE ARE OFFERED HERE AND NOW IS ANY BETTER OR WORSE THAN ANY OTHER.  So, why dream of something that is never going to happen?  

    It may be a very interesting experience, and if it is an eye-opener, then I am all for it.  But?  Really?  You probably would become biased still, but only in some different way.   We are just one set of eyes and we cannot judge history anymore than we can judge one another. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 20, 2017 10:04 AM MDT
      June 20, 2017 9:58 AM MDT