Hummmm. Debatable. When I meet someone for the first time I like to let one off. If the person laughs I know he is a good person and we will be friends. If he frowns I dismiss him with ridicule and contempt.
I remember listening to an interview with Warren Mitchell once, on the problems associated with growing old ... Two things he said stayed with me... Never trust a fart, and never waste an erection!
My hubby watches CNBC a lot, he is into shares...whenever Jim Cramer comes online with his stock picks, I watch him and wonder if someone is around to wipe away his saliva which seems to burst out when he is passonately talking....( no one mentioned saliva...I thought I must;))
No one mentioned sex as a normal bodily function. What kind of a mind (if you believe in a creator) could come up with such a thing. It's neither funny nor gross, it just seems bizarre to me.