What do you think about the Guinness world records?
Some of the records in Guinness are entertaining, some are creditable, some are bizarre. What's one that you find interesting? And, yes, there are extra prizes if you post an image with your answer.
This one was recently on the local news here. I never knew snapping your fingers was an "event" or something anyone would be interested in competing in. I guess some people will do what's necessary to get their 15 minutes of fame.
I can't figure out why the guy keeps squatting while he's snapping. The only thing I can come up with is that it is a weird involuntary reflex.
Well, ya gotta pay the boy. He's fast! But it's just as well those jeans were tight. The way he was going he was likely to lose control of something that would be better kept well under control.
I am not good with technology at all. So posting anything for me is an event in itself. One fact I am proud of found in the Guinness book of world records is that the most circulated book worldwide after the bible is the book "what the Bible really teaches" published by watchtower bible and tract society.
I wouldn't have thought that was possible. I guess the key is in word "circulated" which speaks volumes (no pun intended) for the effectiveness of door-to-door evangelism.
"And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14) have a good evening didge:).
Gotta confess I haven't seen it since the kids were still kids (and they have grandkids now). Occasionally something hits the news on a quiet news night and makes me wonder why they bother.
I think its a fantastic book because it can inspire people to set goals and become the best at something. The one I find the most interesting is the one about the largest garden gnome in Canada that is located in Nanoose Bay. I could probably get in the record book for having the slowest computer and internet connect so it would take me 10 minuets to find you a photo but if you google "Nanoose Bay Gnome" you can see it and some info about it. Cheers!