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The Obama economy, along with a midyear round of minimum wage increases, jacks the black youth unemployment rate back up over 40%. How's the continuing hope and change?

Posted - July 13, 2016


  • 503

    The unemployment rate for young black men has been very  high for DECADES ! ...How on earth can you blame this on Obama ?...  The link indicates that in 2016 the rate was 40%, it also indicates that the rate was 40% in 2006 ( during Bush/Cheney) OMG !

      July 13, 2016 1:57 PM MDT

  • 1113
    Because presidents directly control the economy.
      July 13, 2016 3:25 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Lest anyone think your typical "IT'S TEH STOOPID EBIL LIBURHLZ FAULT" raving has any basis in reality, I will point out two things.

    1) If you ACTUALLY READ YOUR F***ING LINK (which you apparently never do), you would see that the black youth unempoyment rate fluctuates wildly on a monthly basis. About a year ago (summer 2015), it was down around 20%. Were they any magical cuts in the minimum wage or right wing-preferred changes in tax polices to induce that drop? Probably not. If there were, Zero Hedge doesn't know about them.

    So that leaves two possibilities: Either these things tend to vary in spite of presidential policies, or, as is typical for you, you're engaging in the F***ING HYPOCRISY of not crediting Obama/TEH STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ when things go well, and blaming them when things go poorly.

    2) While the Zero Hedge article SPECULATES that the change in black youth unemployment is related to changes in the minimum wage, it provides no evidence it is so. Instead, it reverts to Argument From Authority by quoting Milton Friedman.  Quoting Friedman IS NOT EVIDENCE of the truth of the proposition. Once again, instead of judicious study of discernible reality, the author at Zero Hedge is engaging in Special Kind of Stupid (asserting something is so from ideological necessity, not because he has empirical evidence to support it). And since you are uncritically repeating his bulls**t, what does that make you?....;-D...

      July 13, 2016 3:59 PM MDT

  • Zero Hedge is a financial blog that aggregates news and presents editorial opinions from original and outside sources. The news portion of the site is written by a group of editors who collectively write under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden" (a character from the novel and film Fight Club).

    Like you give a sh*t about "black youth", anyway ! You're the first ones whining about "reverse racism" when Obama or the First Lady even talk about any of their projects working with "urban youth" as you call them. Please.

      July 13, 2016 5:11 PM MDT

  • 275

    Black youth had a lower unemployment rate in prior years because many of them gave up looking for work due to such poor employment prospects. If you look at data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics you'll see the increase in the black teenage unemployment rate is actually a result of more black youth attempting to return to the work force. In order for LFPR to increase, people have to start re-entering the work-force, and as they re-enter the workforce the unemployment rate will appear to increase periodically, because there are more people looking for work.

    The Zerohedge article completely ignores that reality and (as SKOS noted) refers to quotes from Supply Sider Milton Friedman instead of providing an honest analysis of the BLS figures. Additionally, the increase in minimum wage has been applied on a state by state basis, and is being phased in over the course of several years, so trying to claim a nationwide effect at this point is pure horse-s**t.

      July 13, 2016 6:12 PM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello More:

    You and I have been living in different countries since the get go..  The one I live in doesn't resemble the one you live in..  I dunno WHY you can't remember the world BEFORE Obama, but you simply CAN'T..  Therefore, any question that IGNORES  that time simply cannot be answered.  It CAN be criticized though..


      July 14, 2016 7:06 AM MDT

  • The hope and change is doing very well. Black youth couldn't care less about unemployment. As long as there is government, they'll have everything they need. That is a function of government and they need to do more.

      July 16, 2016 1:23 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Be quiet.

    You make me sad.

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      July 16, 2016 1:54 PM MDT