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Inspiration struck again on here. . DO you let Trump control your life?

Apart from the obvious that anyone in the US is kinda at his mercy, as we all are in some ways re our government, to a greater or lesser extent. Or do you have a life, go to work, study, hug your kids and your pets, do the garden, go out, eat, drink and be merry and only make Trump comments as a side line :P

Posted - March 10, 2017


  • 11331
    Ya I have a life and on here I only make Trump comments as a side line. But in the physical World I profit from making comments about Trump. When I make up and tell my Trump jokes at the Rod and Gun tavern somebody usually buys me a beer. Cheers!
      March 10, 2017 11:55 AM MST

  • Best reason ever.. if I got a beer every time I made Trump comments I'd be permanently intoxicated :)
      March 10, 2017 12:05 PM MST

  • That is a misstatement to say we here in the US are at Trump's mercy. Simply ridiculous, maybe you're reading too many of Rosie's posts. 
    An overview of US govt function (such as it is)would provide some insight. The Exec Branch sets policy, the Legislative branch enacts it or kills it and the Judicial branch balances both. Trump is not the govt., just a key piece of it. 
    The wonderful activities you list (and all the others not on your list) go on in our lives as before, and its reasonable to expect all that to continue indefinitely.
    Electing a doofus president has not turned the US into North Korea. Other than talking heads who get paid to do it, we generally don't bother to obsess about what the POTUS said or did today, though we can all think of some exceptions who do. 
    Trump will be the butt of jokes and derision just as his predecessors were. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 10, 2017 5:13 PM MST
      March 10, 2017 12:00 PM MST

  • 7806
    I hope you're right Z.
      March 10, 2017 12:01 PM MST

  • Fearbaiting is a timeworn practice of unhappy people, Zack. Scare the masses into line. Lots of unhappy, bitter folks out there with too little to think about and too much time on their hands. Think for yourself, you'll be fine.

    We survived eight years of the idiot W, didnt we? 
      March 10, 2017 12:10 PM MST

  • Thankfully I know you aren't including me in that comment about unhappy people :P Nor in the fearbaiting bit.. imo Trumpet's the one doing that.. making vicious angry comments that stir up his supporters and keep them in fear.. but I am guessing we may differ on that point.. 

    People who keep an eye on his activities are more, rather than less likely to comment on his behaviour when it defies logic and is potentially detrimental to the country or the world.  Imo they should speak out and try to educate the hoodwinked who believe the ALT facts.. but again we maybe disagree on that point.. 

    What I wanted to say was..  I've a friend who say's America's done worse than electing Trump ... I bow to her judgement on that but it's hard to see how.. Imo and it's a considered opinion Trump will leave America in a far worse position financially and in terms of world respect... that's not scaremongering or fearbaiting.. it's a very real potential... time will tell if I am right will it not but mark my words. 
      March 10, 2017 12:29 PM MST

  • No, DBTD, you are not among the fearbaiters I referred to, and yes, there is enough of it from both sides of the equation to go around. Zack expressed some anxiety.
    I don't count myself among the Trump horde (I didn't vote for him) nor do I take the side of his avowed enemies. 
    I say, give the guy his chance, let him muck it up or (egad!) make it work, and then pass judgement. Maybe he'll surprise the detractors, or maybe he'll get himself impeached. The process is so slow that nothing goes underanalyzed, and sniping at his heels every step is petty and divisive.
    Its just too early to render any informed decision. 
      March 10, 2017 1:12 PM MST

  • Phew glad to know I am not part of the fearbaiting clan.. lol I was starting to get paranoid!   I can only comment as an observer.. I comment on his behaviour only.. I find him unpleasant.. nay vile, obnoxious.. I watch and wait.. for something to revise my opinion of him.. but there has been so much reprehensible behaviour it's going to take some work.. 

    I think in this we can only have our opinions.. to me he's reprehensible.. and i truly believe he will be bad not good for the country.. my decision is informed based on his behaviour, things like how he has ignored and fought the intelligence system, and many others..  whether I am right or not only time will tell.  I am however old enough to have witness tides of strong opinion favourable for something, vehemently so, totally reversed in America.. For me it's an interesting thing to observe...
      March 10, 2017 1:31 PM MST

  • You are surely not alone in your opinion of Trumps personality. And for good reason. I dont favor his "approach" either. 
     But, for now, its what we got, it ought to be good for a few laughs. 
      March 10, 2017 2:16 PM MST

  • We liked to laugh at Bush.. I only base on what I see.. as an outsider that's alll I can do.. he always seemed harmless to me... so we laughed.. Friends from the states tell me Bush was far from harmless..  I bow to their judgement in that.. I can't know.. I can only go on what's before me.. 

    I have to say, and please don't get mad, people are not laughing at Trump...  just saying
      March 10, 2017 2:19 PM MST

  • 739
    Yeah, Trump claims to know more than the intelligence community, scientists, and experts of all types. I would love to be proven wrong about him, and for him to turn out to be a marvelous President who will do good for his country and the world. I don't want to see Americans suffer, or the knock on effects the rest of us are likely to experience. But I doubt if that will prove to be the case. I think he is ignorant and personally vile, and will run his country into the ground. Yes, there may have been worse things America has done than elect that man. But the fact that they have elected him does not indicate that they are making progress.
      March 13, 2017 10:14 AM MDT

  • We think alike there I believe 
      March 13, 2017 10:32 AM MDT

  • Quote, "That is a misstatement to say we here in the US are at Trump's mercy." - I would change that, in the interests of accuracy to, "In my opinion, that is a misstatement to say we here in the US are at Trump's mercy." cos let's face it.. that's all it is.. an opinion..  As to your comments about ridiculous.. I will overlook those for now as I think you got a little carried away there and misinterpreted what I meant.. the qualifying statement here was as are we all, regarding OUR governments,  to a greater or lesser degree. This isn't a sensationalist statement, tho I think you took it that way.. merely a reflection that we are ALL at the mercy of our governments - that was just a statement of fact.. most of us are powerless in the scheme of things.. the govt raises business tax, as ours has just done..  there's bogger all we can do about it.. hence we are at the mercy.. the government decides to cut disability payments.. there's eff all we can do about it.. hence powerlessness and being at the mercy.. Not sure why you got so upset that you had to insult me, or Rosie over what was a factual statement...  DO you honestly feel differently???  Really?  Well you are unique then cos the rest of us ARE largely at the mercy of our governments.. 

    Me thinks you got carried away there... 

    I never said Trump was the government.. yes my wording was a bit sloppy; that's what you get when you are multi-tasking.. cooking evening meal, doing an assignment and posting on here.. but hey no need to shoot me!  But just as Teresa May is a large part of our government ..Trump is of yours.. imo a NASTY dangerous part..  a key part.. yes we agree on that word for sure... and one that's made a few *executive* laws that weren't too smart, and is likely to make more.. 

    And yes we agree that all the lovely activities we do outside of making comments on Trump, along with some that we cannot print on here will continue.. THAT was the point of the question.. to say that even if one makes comments on Trump...that doesn't mean we let him control our lives.. 
      March 10, 2017 12:22 PM MST

  • Perhaps I mistook you for yet another ill-informed European casting a preconceived notion of politics in this country, when what really occurred was some indelicate wordage. My sincere apologies. Your meaning is taken, and i can respect the multitasking angle. But no, it isn't simply an opinion, we arent at Trumps "mercy", though as part of the govt, he joins a large group who are empowered to run things, from different stations of influence,.... and we will see how that goes. I personally have no preconceived notions on how it all will transpire.
    Insult Rosie? No, only I made mention of her posts. 

    I guess we covered the gist, that no occupant of the WH will have so great a bearing over our daily thoughts that we cede control of our lives in any form or fashion, unless we as individuals allow it to. 
      March 10, 2017 12:48 PM MST

  • I'll take ownership of the indelicate, or clumsy wording.. lol 
      March 10, 2017 1:32 PM MST

  • Yes I have a life outside Trump world and this site :) 
      March 10, 2017 12:34 PM MST

  • It entertains me to no end reading about this little made up land you have us Americans living in. Your insults to our president are getting rather trite as well. You don't even live here, yet presume to be an expert on how we live our lives.......Fascinating, simply fascinating. :) LOL This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 10, 2017 5:20 PM MST
      March 10, 2017 12:41 PM MST

  • Well Karen, you are entitled to your opinion.. Not sure that entitled you to insult me. .but hey ho as they say...'made up land eh' well that's your opinion isn't it.. based on your slant regarding this debate.. Mine is different.. we shall see who was right ultimately.. I am a patient person but i'd be interested to know where you feel I have referred to any made up land as you perceive it? 

    As to insulting your prez.. well let's be reasonable.. I only do so when it's deserved and it ain't like there aren't a million million doing the same. so let's not give me all the credit eh? 

    Another little snide there I see.. presume to be an expert.. now Karen my flower have I ever said I am expert?? Can you point me to that? I am afraid that while that's clearly your interpretation but that doesn't make it so.. I can only say that yet again you give me way too much credit.  I think a certain stepping back here is in order.. I never said I was an expert.. I never even MENTIONED  how you, as a populace live.. the question wasn't even ABOUT Americans.. so not sure why you are getting miffed.. 

    SO perhaps your fascination is unwarranted :P This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 10, 2017 5:13 PM MST
      March 10, 2017 1:38 PM MST

  • Oh, I was just playing.....didn't you see the :) and the LOL?? 
      March 10, 2017 1:42 PM MST

  • Oh for sure I took the playing at the end.. for the last statement.. 'fascinating' lol.. I could tell you were rolling around tittering at that one and I am glad you are so happy.. but there sure wasn't a :) on the rest of it.. and it sure didn't seem like anything one could attach a smiley to.. but hey  Iam sure I must be mistaken.. I know you are my biggest fan really and you know I love you too :P
      March 10, 2017 1:45 PM MST

  • That was in no way an 'attack' on you. If you took it that way, that's on you not me. I was just stating my observations, the same as you do. Oh, and I don't titter, I roll my eyes, shake my head, give face palms....but I don't titter. ;}~
      March 10, 2017 1:51 PM MST

  • You roll your eyes and face palm when you are smiling at people and just playing with people?? really???? How interesting... here we only do that when we are expressing negative thoughts about someone.. here when we smile we smile.. gosh how complicated things are there!

    And you don't think that accusing someone of making up a land and lives of Americans is not nice? Making a comment that implied the other was 'presuming' to be an expert when they have never done that was nice was it?  Oh well I can only attribute this to differing standards then
      March 10, 2017 2:08 PM MST

  • Here,  depending on how it's done, it's not an insult.  I have posted gifs of eye rolling,  face palms and head shakes in response to comments from others.  They knew I was playing and not "attacking"  them.  I guess they just knew me better. 
      March 10, 2017 3:56 PM MST

  • Or they have different standards as  I say..  much depends on how it's done.. but of course as it's you and we are best friends an all.. I am willing to accept that face paliming and rolling your eyes is a way of *smiling* for you and I shall take it as a sign of affection from henceforth.. 
      March 10, 2017 4:04 PM MST