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Gosh!! 121 notifications when I open the mug today! Tell me does anyone else struggle to get through them when there are more than a few?

I've been berated more than a few times for missing things and no doubt I have missed many an insult or grumpy response because I struggle to keep up with what's happened while I am away if it gets to more than say 9-12 notifications.

I don't mean that people aren't entitled to add to stuff while I am away lol .. just that I do wish people wouldn't keep getting mad at me or using it as an excuse to make unkind slurs.. I never mean to miss anything, good or bad.. I am the kind that always answers everyone cos I feel a response deserves a response.. but I know I am bad at following up beyond the first 9 or so notifications... just cos of time and because I find it, well a bit boring to track say 20 more notifications just IN CASE someone's said something in a reply... 

Truly I have said this before.. if I EVER miss anything good or bad.. and anyone's left with a hurt that I haven't replied. .please just tell me! I will always reply!  Heck in my dating site days I was practically the only, (ok there must have been more than just me!) females who literally replied to EVERY message I got.. I am so not the kind to ignore anyone... but sadly if I don't see there is a reply then I miss stuff.. 

And I do tend to be the kind who prefers to move forward than constantly go back..  perhaps that's another reason?

Please try to be understanding..

SO is it just me? What do other people do?  DO most people check all their threads etc and all their notifications?

Posted - March 13, 2017


  • I check all of my threads...When I check my notifications, I don't click on the ones that say my comment/reply/post was "Liked"  because it's redundant info.

    You can adjust your notifications in your setting if you get to many
      March 13, 2017 10:46 AM MDT

  • You have no idea how much I suffer.  Even Jesus envies me
      March 13, 2017 11:07 AM MDT

  •   March 13, 2017 12:15 PM MDT

  •   March 13, 2017 1:02 PM MDT

  • Yes, well you are a shining example to us all.. but we knew that already :)  I probably should check them.. but I am a passionate person lol... I prefer to be seeing what I can answer NOW , today... lol .. what can I say .. I am impulsive.. 

    How would I know, if I don't opt for notifications... if someone says something that they are then gonna get mad at me for missing :P
      March 13, 2017 11:00 AM MDT

  • You can tailor your notifications.
     I just delete the ones that say someone "Liked' something first before looking at the ones that show a comment or reply 
      March 13, 2017 11:04 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I don't usually have that many notifications, but I have noticed that when someone responds to a comment of mine, if it isn't on the first page where the link takes you there directly, you have to go searching for it.  I don't always have the patience to go searching for the response, especially when the post is up to 6 pages long.  I'm sure that I missed a couple today on one of the longer posts.  
      March 13, 2017 10:48 AM MDT

  • That's it exactly!! I don't have the patience.. I always want to move ahead... answer new things... I can live with  missing things.. but people seem to get all mad at me about it.. one time I stumbled on an answer because it was in the first 9 that said about me.. "oh she never replies when it's something she doesn't like" and that was hurtful cos that's NOT me.. if there's one thing you can say it's that I am always prepared to stand by what I say and answer even tough questions.. And i have a feeling someone went off into one because I didn't answer something or missed somethng..  they acted like I had done it intentionally - no seriously not. I'd never intentionally ignore anyone..
      March 13, 2017 10:58 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I understand.  While this notification process is a little better than the old one, it still has a few flaws.
      March 13, 2017 11:08 AM MDT

  • Yeah that's pretty annoying actually.
      March 13, 2017 11:03 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i can get a lot too, depending on how much im on here
      March 13, 2017 12:45 PM MDT

  • 7280
    I "feel" you.

    I check my notifications first to see if there is something that I need to respond to.  I usually hit "See all notifications" so I can review them.

    Unfortunately, once you see a "replied to you comment" and then go to that question, in order to get back to where I was on the notifications page I was on, I have to load 3 or 4 pages again and then repeat the process when after I have read another reply to my comment.

    That get's tiresome quickly.

    I wonder how difficult it would be for this site to allow us to go back to where we were in the notifications (and the "questions" also) when we are trying to get caught up?
      March 13, 2017 12:55 PM MDT

  • If anybody takes the trouble to leave a comment I try to respond. I don't usually click on the "Likes" unless there's a particular reason to check it. 
      March 13, 2017 1:05 PM MDT

  • 7280
    Same for me.

    (And I do appreciate the likes.)
      March 13, 2017 1:17 PM MDT

  • Then let me offer you another. :)
      March 13, 2017 1:21 PM MDT

  • 7280
    You've always been good with a comeback.

    A talent perfected in your radio (or was it TV?) hosting perhaps?
      March 13, 2017 1:23 PM MDT

  • Radio. It was probably perfected by trying to wiggle out of trouble. 

    BTW I see that you recommended Andrew Greeley to Virginia. I suggested that she read more of him. He was a remarkable, and very entertaining man.

      March 13, 2017 4:05 PM MDT

  • 508
    I woke up with 20 and its not easy going thru them.. i wish they would lump all of the likes to a single post in 1 notification. such as "7 people liked your comment" rather than having 7 separate notifications to the same comment. they really need to do something about this..  This post was edited by Skunky Stinkerson at March 13, 2017 2:19 PM MDT
      March 13, 2017 2:09 PM MDT

  • 5835
    Wow, this thread is such a pageant that I forgot what we were talking about.

    Oh, yeah, notifications. There are two things here that bug me a lot. One is a notification for every tittle in every thread, and the other is the link takes me to either the start or the end of the thread instead of the tittle in question. Those things would be major problems if we actually had something to discuss.

    I have had up to 138 notifications at one time. I go through the entire list, even if I don't click them all. And the next day I have only about 5, so those are the days when I get some posts. This post was edited by Not Sure at March 13, 2017 5:00 PM MDT
      March 13, 2017 4:57 PM MDT