Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » How important is your health? Would you eat monkey and piranha to lower your incidence of heart disease?

How important is your health? Would you eat monkey and piranha to lower your incidence of heart disease?

The Tsimane people of Bolivia do just that and their incidence of heart disease is the lowest measured in the world. What seasonings would you use?

Posted - March 18, 2017


  • 6477
      March 18, 2017 1:45 PM MDT

  • 14
    Piranha is fish.   Im sure it rastes good.   And monkey is a staple food in many jungle/tropical areas.    I doubt seriously most if any who eat either monkey or fish know anything about heart disease prevention.   They eat it because its what is readily available.   And i would be willing to try both just for the experience.    White people who have studied the Tsimane people may have found lower rates of heart disease, sure.   But if you asked a Tsimane anout it theyed just look at you like youre a crazy person and point out that its just what their hunters and fisherman are able to get locally.   
      March 18, 2017 3:33 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I do not eat meat.   I would eat fish.

    That is my personal diet.   It in no way has anything to do with my choice of dietary taste.   I would love to eat anything that makes me healthy first and foremost as long as I am not harming animals.   I still eat fish, but I will in no way contribute to the death of any creature that can feel and knows what is going on and is in pain.

    That means slaughterhouses and hunting are off my list.  No matter how healthy I am thinking I am making myself, that is the wrong route to health.   The body can get along quite nicely without special exotic animals added to their diet.   The body needs to be maintained by a healthy diet and exercise and not a dish of fried monkey.

    Or whatever.  There are TONS of people who are vegetarians that are way healthier than a group of people who eat pirhanna.  Just because they are low on one disease chart does not mean they are any healthier than I am.   You can have no heart disease and still have a brain aneurysm or diabetes.

    Eat sensibly and drink a lot of water and keep the bad stuff out of your body and you will not need to worry about monkey.
      March 18, 2017 3:38 PM MDT

  • 22891
    its important but im not interested in eating monkeys
      March 18, 2017 5:56 PM MDT