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Discussion » Questions » Religion and Spirituality » Sept. 23rd, 2017 will be a conjunction of stars that has not happened since the birth of Christ. Many believe something dire

Sept. 23rd, 2017 will be a conjunction of stars that has not happened since the birth of Christ. Many believe something dire

will occur. Do you think it not much to worry about up to and including the birth of the anti-christ?

Posted - March 20, 2017


  • 2219
    Expect the Second Coming doomsayers to come out of the woodwork.

    Sorry folks, but you won't be told in advance.... 

      March 22, 2017 8:14 AM MDT

  • 5835

    Here is a link to the analysis. As usual, they miss the point and get hung up on the imagery. This entire event, if it is in fact an event, Is meaningless to Christians because we will be in heaven attending the marriage supper of the lamb when all that stuff in The Revelation happens. The entire Revelation is addressed to Jews who are still alive after the Christians are taken out.
      March 22, 2017 1:21 PM MDT