Discussion » Questions » Politics » Interesting article about Brit immigration. A numbers game?


  • Dear DDB,
    I found the article of interest, but don't have enough information or experience to make a response to your Q. I will be interested to see what others think.

    I will tell you, the situation makes me think of a Doris Lessing novel I read around 1985, and never really understood...the monarch of a beautiful and sheltered land went out into the rest of the world and learned harsh lessons...
    The point seemed to be that although very difficult and the end of paradise, still something that somehow needed to happen...I don't know how or if Lessing 'saw' something relevant to real life or not.

      March 20, 2017 6:55 PM MDT

  • 34943
    It is in my opinion wrong for a government to fail to keep up with the people coming into their country. A country with out borders will eventually cease to be a country.
      March 20, 2017 8:09 PM MDT

  • 1233
    In politics there are no accidents.

    Mass immigration is a deliberate policy to break down the national identity to pave the way towards world government.

    It's also a way to suppress the economy by flooding the market with unskilled labour. This acts as a way to raise welfare spending which leads the country deeper into debt. It benefits the left wing, which always feeds on pain an suffering, and it benefits the global banking interests that profit from our debt. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at March 21, 2017 12:21 PM MDT
      March 21, 2017 12:14 PM MDT