Not me.. The words are true islam and Jihad..
Actually i don't understand why people would be shocked anymore.. This is a regular happening now..
Can't believe it's happening in France again. Will not be surprised at all if ISIS takes credit.
No, I have a lot of words to say that violate TOS.
The Swedish police have the answer,, WRISTBANDS :D They have solved the Swedish rape crisis by telling their young woman to wear wristbands asking men not to rape them , Soo i am sure the leftist PC leadership of France will finally put an and to all terrorism by making up a wristband for all their citizens telling muslims not to wage Jihad against them.. Problem Solved
I am crying .
So absolutely horrendous. Senseless.
They did.
I am amazed Obama has not made a speech against "redneck"" truckers and how trucks should be banned... Yes truck free zones.. thats the answer make all french cities truck free zones...
Only these words:
There is no excuse...but there are reasons. So long as people in the United States and Europe refuse to acknowledge (or even ridicule) those reasons, we'll continue to be shocked...SHOCKED when violence like this occurs.
In Nice.
It may sound crass and unfeeling but I am not at a loss ,but I am saddened for the victms and their loved ones. It has happened too many times and I don't see much chance of it stopping :(
I pray for their families and for our weary world.
@ AI
His name is Barack Hussein Obama and he declared that he would defend islam in a speech in Egypt early on in his presidency..
So of course he will never mention islam when muslims carry out a jihad operation..
Oh and do not worry about the comments of SapphicHeart she is a false accuser who tries to use the pathetic "shaming tactics" that a lot of her kind of people use when they have absolutely nothing else to argue with.. If they cannot attack the point someone else made they then turn around and attack the person making the comment..
Not at a loss. ISIS has been calling for these kind of attacks for awhile now.
Guess the investigation will reveal if this guy was ISIS or just crazy.
The thing that was a surprise was the French PM telling people to get used to it. Seems they realize it will be very difficult to prevent these types of attacks.
SapphicHeart... nah I can't speak for Adam but I'd rather have no empathy than look at terrorists as an interest group like most liberals.
No I am not surprised. I was a little mad that I woke up to yet even more people dying. I can't say that's what I wanted to see but it's not surprising. ISIS a LONG time ago called for lone wolf attacks using "any weapon available" so I mean we have to see it coming from a mile away.
The area the person attacked was a tourist area. You can't tell me that is accidental (not that you are telling me that just saying.)
I am just hearing about this news event and it's one that has me in tears. I cannot get the images out of my head.
My thoughts and prayers are with those families.