Discussion»Questions»Life and Society» I was bicycling the other day and passed an 8 of hearts card on the road. Is the Universe sending me a message? What is it?
Well, in tarot, the relationship suit is cups, so when you convert from a regular deck to tarot, hearts becomes cups. The eight of cups represents disappointment or withdrawal. Clearly, the universe is disappointed with you for not picking up someone's litter.
Whistle6, I just Googled for you...and the metasymbology of 8♡ is given as 'the healing power of love'...!
So, does that fit into your life right now? If so then you might be onto something, anyway your Q has reminded me of a question I want to post here soon on aMug about Magical Thinking.
And I DO take it seriously, because I use magical thinking myself quite often, and have friends who carry on whole conversations with the universe in such symbolism...it is remarkable and fun, and can be helpful too!