I've never been able to teach any of our pets to do tricks, I feel like I've accomplished something when they achieve potty training. I can't even teach them to stay off my pillow at night, every night I have to haul a big lump of fur who tries to pretend it's sleeping off my pillow.
One night I forgot to close the kitchen door and next morning I woke when my little dog jumped onto my bed and was tiptoeing up toward the head with a very sheepish expression on her face. She was practically saying, "Hey, Didge, I'm not gonna get into trouble am eye?" I hadn't realised a dog could tiptoe till then. It was very funny.
I usually end up with my head on a corner of the pillow and the creature gets the rest crikey I have to sleep somewhere. We used to have a Chihuahua who would snap at me when I tried to get into bed, her face came so close to me I could feel a small draught from those wicked little teeth as they snapped shut just an inch from my face.
I've never see a dog tiptoe either that must have been hilarious.