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Do You Like Magical Thinking?

The term ‘magical’ tends to be something of a put-down…however, Carl Jung (1875-1961) gave the concept validity when he came up with his term SYCHRONICITY, or meaningful coincidence.

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So, do you ever feel like the universe is sending you a (beautiful) message?

Here is Carl Jung’s story:
He had a client who just DID NOT believe in dreams, and of course dreams are really his thing….
So, the cynical doubter was relating her latest dream, which involved a magnificent scarab beetle in ancient Egypt, or something like that.

Well just at that instant, a real-live scarab in all his or her colorful glory flew in the window to join the proceedings! The dreaming doubter was so impressed all her skepticism evaporated, and the therapy went along just fine after that.

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And as for me, yes. I love magical thinking/synchronicity, and use it often!

Posted - April 2, 2017


  • I left a post-it note on my desktop. It might take some time to track down. 
      April 3, 2017 3:10 PM MDT