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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Did Gorsuch plagiarize portions of a book and portions of an article? How do you PROVE that something like that was intentional?

Did Gorsuch plagiarize portions of a book and portions of an article? How do you PROVE that something like that was intentional?

Isn't it possible that Gorsuch read those things decades ago and did not realize that what he wrote as authentic to him someone else had already written years before?

Posted - April 6, 2017


  • 6477
    Depends on what you call plag-whatsit.. My understanding is that it's copying the words of someone else and passing them off as your own. So if you read something and years ago , or minutes ago, and then write it in your own words it's not technically plag-whatsit but it is unethical not so credit the source of your ideas.
      April 6, 2017 8:39 AM MDT

  • 113301
    But what if you really think they are your words Addb? What if long ago and far away you heard those words or read them and of course they remain in your subconscious and then one day they float up to your conscious mind and you use them?  I'm just wondering how INTENTION can be proven? I can't recall it ever happening to me but maybe it did and no one caught it. How can I know consciously what I "know" subconsciously?   I absolutely believe in attribution and if I don't know the source I ALWAYS put it in quotes so folks will know it did not originate with me. I'd much rather have others "steal" my stuff than be guilty of "stealing" someone else's words. Anyway I'm not trying to defend Gorsuch. I don't want him on the Supreme Court. On the other hand if something like this is enough to sabotage him I would feel uneasy about it  because "there but for the grace of God go I  ". Thank you for your reply! :)
      April 6, 2017 12:25 PM MDT