You are correct. Not only did he try to intervene, he went to Congress for permission to intervene. They turned him down. Had he bombed them after being denied, the consequences could have been grave.
I know repubs are gearing up to inject the War Powers Act, it's worth mentioning that through the War Powers Act the potus can send in ground troops without asking Congress, so long as he goes to Congress within 90 days. But that relates to troops, not bombings and certainly not committing an act of war. We currently have around 3000 troops in Syria at this time.
The problem is, Trump has put many dems into a precarious position as criticizing him for what he did will open them up to cries of partisanship in the face of human suffering... you can imagine how that will sounds. But doing nothing will result in great pressure from their constituents. They should press him on why now rather than years ago and persist in pointing out how this looks with the Russian investigation as a backdrop. Furthermore, he did this while having dinner with Xi. He set this up so he could have a photo-op of himself and Xi shaking hands, wining and dining the night this bombing took place. China will not soon forget that...
Trump is trying to hide behind "the element of surprise" as a military strategy. He will say that it was imperative they not know our game plan... blah blah blah blah. But here's something I thought interesting given the outrage of press leaks within this admin.
Fox News pentagon correspondent Jennifer Griffin, let slip on air, late the night of this bombing, that she and her crew were given intelligence that this bombing would take place hours earlier in the day. Even before they contacted Russian military in the region, even before many of our own troops in the region were aware. Why? For an admin concerned about leaks and losing the upper-hand on the battlefield, who informs the news hours prior to this?
It almost seems it was desired that Fox break the news and that Fox set the narrative. Moreover, this evidences what we've all suspected for sometime---one media outlet in particular is acting as a direct pipeline to the White House. There are so many problems with that it's incredible.
You're right, I don't think Assad did it either. The problem goes back to Benghazi, it's a shame too because for all the hearings that were held on Benghazi, the complete truth about it was glossed over entirely.
Benghazi was a weapons running operation of ours. We were running weapons out of Libya after the ousting of Gaddafi, those weapons were moved to Turkey and then into Syrian rebels, some of whom were affiliated with the Levant in Syria. There were several credible reports at the time that the materials used to make dirty sarin gas were making their way into the hands of rebels who were mishandling them and using them against innocents. I think the evidence is compelling enough to at least consider the possibility that the rebel factions intended to use those weapons as a false flag which would then be blamed on the Assad regime.
It is also noteworthy that within this same time-frame audio emerged of Turkish leaders discussing how they could stages a false flag in their own country to blame on Assad for the purpose of intervening in Syria. The evidence is compelling.