Discussion»Questions»Politics» How scary is this if true? http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/syria-strike-swayed-by-heartbroken-and-outraged-ivanka/ar-BBzHz3o?OCID=a
If you don't believe there are emotions involved in these kinds of decisions you are delusional. Mr. Trump, the son, should probably not be so open with the press since all words are twisted and the masses are so easily influenced.
His daughters emotional hysteria shouldn't be a reason to launch 59 freakin' missiles. Not to mention none of us really believe that had much to do with it and anyone who does without question is drinking the kool-aid and isn't thinking. It wreaks of BS and was a stupid and pointless move that goes against his whole campaign promise. I didn't vote for him. I didn't vote for Hillary. Yet Hillary was rightfully slammed for her no fly zone nonsense she wanted so desperately that would have provoked Russia. Now Trump is being excused for launching missiles??????? GIVE ME A BREAK! Trump is a liar and you want to excuse him for it. Freaking warhawks.
That's what I did. Still would be nice if people just learned the simple process of providing proper links. It's pretty easy to do it correctly and easier for the audience. Just sayin'.
It looks like the reply boxes but is under the spot you post a question in. Instead of putting address in the question box if you put in the description box below it then you get a functioning link.
A little scary. We all want politicians who keep a clear head and do not act on emotional impulse.
That said politicians are people too. With as much right as anyone to have emotions. That is what "checks and balances" are all about. As I understand most of the senators in congress approved of Trumps decision and supported it. And frankly, I find that much more scary than Trump making an emotion driven decision.
If true then, yes, it's scary. International incidents of this kind are too serious to be triggered by a father's emotional response to a daughter's anger.