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How many weeks could you teach high-school before you chose homelessness?

Posted - April 13, 2017


  • I do teach high school and I love it! Of course, I'm teaching a very small Latin class, most of the students are nerdy and studious...I don't think I could handle teaching a big class that all the students have to take. 
      April 13, 2017 1:33 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Great answer.

    It is a pleasure teaching those who love learning. 
      April 13, 2017 1:45 PM MDT

  • 7683
    Homelessness? Why so? I taught in high school, junior college level and in an institute for spoken English back in India. And now in US, since I can't work on H4 I'm waiting for green card which is due soon. I however teach classical dance and yoga as volunteer work. This post was edited by Veena.K at April 13, 2017 8:41 PM MDT
      April 13, 2017 3:40 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Welllllllllll where I work we teach adults... but we have had quite a few who have recently left school and didn't get what they needed in terms of exams... so they come to us... but thing is... they behave quite badly... acting like it's school and messing about.. needless to say they don't learn that way and ruin it for others.. thing is tho.... WE don't have to tolerate bad behaviour as unlike school we don't have a statutory obligation to teach if they behave badly they are OUT
      April 13, 2017 4:00 PM MDT

  • 8276
    hahahaha I feel ya!
      April 13, 2017 4:03 PM MDT

  • I don't mind teenagers, that much as kids like my eldest's age. Little sarcastic, lazy unmotivated brats.
      April 13, 2017 5:31 PM MDT

  • 17660
    Not many.
      April 13, 2017 6:00 PM MDT

  • I couldn't and I won't be homeless...  I'd rather serve time for manslaughter 
      April 13, 2017 8:13 PM MDT

  • 53690
    I'd never make it past the first day.

    Randy D: Good morning, my name is Mr. D, welcome to 10th grade English class.

    Student #1: So you'll be like our teacher dis semester?

    Randy D: No, I will be your teacher this semester.  I will not resemble your teacher or be similar to your teacher, I will be your teacher, and the word "this" begins with the letters 'th', not the letter 'd'.

    Student #2 (to Student #1): Yeah, dummy, ain'tchoo know nuthin'?

    Student #3: Yo, Teach, check it out, cuz, you be like froin' all kinds of homeworks at us, an' like downin' us if we ain't gittin' wit' like what you be axin' us to be doin' in class an' stuff?

    Randy D: Allow me to address the first student first, what is your name please?

    Student #1 (mockingly): "Allow me to address the first student first," like check dis dude out, ya'll!  Be talkin' al white an' stuff!

    Randy D: Language does not have either a race or an ethnicity.  The correct and/or proper way to speak is just that: the correct and/or proper way to speak.  My goal in this semester is to first of all assess your knowledge and expertise in English grammar, and then, based on that assessment, to guide and direct you to exactly what avenues will help you to express yourselves more accurately and more appropriately.

    Student #4: We's gonna hafta talk like you?

    Randy D (dying inside): Before I even address that, would you care to rephrase it in a way  

    Student #4: Like I don't even like refried beans, man!

    Student #2: He said 'rephrase', not 'refried'.

    Student #5: Hey, Mr. D, like you ain't answered yet about da homework; wassup wi' dat homework you be like givin' out, man?   

    Randy D (retching a little): Homework will be assigned in concordance with how well you as a group perform classroom work and how well you individually progress with your grammar.

    Student #3: Like, what makes a man wanna be a English teacher anyway?

    Randy D: That's "an English teacher".  There are certain words that begin with vowels that in their singular form, the article "an" is used as opposed to the article "a".

    Student # 3: Like, there's a diff?

    Randy D: You know, we're going to divest ourselves of the misuse and overuse of the word "like".  I understand that it's a well-ingrained part of the vernacular of the younger set, so I don't expect you all to either disarm yourselves of it immediately or completely, but over a period of time, I can show you incremental steps that can be taken to reduce its occurrence in your everyday speech.

    Students (collectively): Huh?

    Student #4: Ease up wit' all dem big words, Teach.  We ain't be all like up in college an' stuff.  

    Randy D (choking back the bile): please, all of you take out a sheet of lined paper and write your names and today's date on the upper right-hand corner.

    Student #5: Like how's we's supposed ta fit everybody's name in the top of our papers?  They's like 20, 25 of us in here.

    Randy D (ulcers forming on innards): Each one of you will write his or her own name on your own paper.

    Student #5: Oh.

    Randy D (hives breaking out on neck and calves): (((Why am I here?))) 

    Student #6: Mr. D, my dad was talkin' 'bout how grammar ain't all dat important.  He goes, "As long as someone can understand you, it's all good.

    Randy D (wryly): Where did he go?
    Student #6:  Huh?  What?

    Randy D (wooziness setting in): Never mind.

    Student #4: Yo, Mr. D, you look kinda out of it.  Are you feelin' bad?

    Randy D: Badly.

    Student #4:   Huh?  What?

    Randy D: Never mind.

    . . . to be continued . . . 

    ~ This post was edited by Randy D at April 13, 2017 10:09 PM MDT
      April 13, 2017 9:49 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Yo, Mr. D ~ I'm like, lmao!

    Your grammatical and comedic efforts are not unappreciated. Well done.
      April 13, 2017 10:07 PM MDT

  • "Zero" ... 
      April 13, 2017 10:00 PM MDT

  • 5450
    I think I could be a high school teacher without losing it!  I might last longer teaching high school than I would doing the job I'm doing now.

    My company has me working in the office right now which isn't my normal job and I'm wondering how many weeks I can make it before I lose it and rip every motivational poster off the wall and feed them to the shredder and then take a hammer and smash the radio the next time I have to listen to the awful morning show everybody else in the office likes.

      April 15, 2017 3:39 PM MDT