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Do you think people are becoming increasinly rude and selfish? Where are people's manners these days?

At the garden centre today, I not only had trouble in the car park, because a large car came round the corner and expected ME to back up all the way down a row of parked cars when he could easily have just reversed back round the corner he came from... grr but then as if that wasn't bad enough.... someone stole my trolley/cart!  I had some bathbombs in it for my daughter... and I only left the cart on the corner of an isle because THEY were in the way down the next isle and I wanted to compare prices for soil... I got to the end of the row.. went back to where I'd left the trolley ... and it was gone!  When I looked THEY Had a cart just like the one I had and they were making their way to the checkout.. I said excuse me I think you may have my trolley... they denied it... but it WAS mine because they didn't have a trolley when I saw them and all of a sudden they DID and it was the same as MINE... AND they had taken my daughter's bathbombs out and left them on the side :(
What a cheek!! They knew I was there, it wasn't like I abandoned the trolley and it had MY stuff in it.. so they took it knowing that it wasn't theirs :(

It's just a small thing but how can people behave so selfishly?? I got MY cart from the front of the store before I went in...they should have too... not just take someone else's  -  just so disrespectful.. I must be ODD - I'd never do that!

Posted - April 13, 2017


  • Seems to be the norm nowadays! People are rude and disrespectful. Just went a few rounds with the owner of the site I was a Mod on. Never said Thank you but sure complained about stuff when I was gone and threatened me. Just totally rude over nothing. I haven't been on that site for months. Yeah, maybe it's in the air or water but some people can be real pricks nowadays. It's a total shame. I would never do that either but some people just don't care. Me me me!
      April 13, 2017 5:33 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Aww that sounds very ungrateful of that other site owner :( It is a shame... makes life harder than it needs to be dealing with people like that :(
      April 14, 2017 10:52 AM MDT

  • 2327
    It was probably the same person you had trouble with in the parking lot. They took revenge by stealing your cart because you inconvenienced them. There's a lot of peasants and snooties who believe they're entitled who go to those garden places. You should have been a lot more forceful when you approached them for the cart. Next time, if there is a next time, you should put your hands on the cart, pull it away from them, AND THEN speak. 
      April 13, 2017 5:40 PM MDT

  • 6477
    LOL well I didn't inconvenience them in the first place.. they were being selfish as they could have easily backed back down the aisle they came from... then driven a different way.. whereas I couldn't go anywhere as I had driven up the whole row and was at the end..

    DO peasants go to garden centres?? Oh - I thought it was only posh people like wot I am .. 

    I wouldn't want to pull the cart away like that... it would make me as bad as them.. better to be in the right :)
      April 14, 2017 10:50 AM MDT

  • 5614
    Aye, indeed. As Christian influence is removed from society these days will be like the days of Noah and wickedness will have no limits. Social media and reality shows have rewarded bad behavior. The election of Donald Trump is an indicator we have tolerance for bad behavior but it began as far back as Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky. Perhaps good behavior is a thin veneer and the human race has always been bad.
      April 13, 2017 8:36 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Interesting perspective O - personally I have always been nice and I expect others to be nice too... one of my greatest comforts in live is that generally speaking I have found most people are basically good.,, but I can see that changing :(
      April 14, 2017 10:47 AM MDT

  • 7806
    It's looking that way more and more every day of my life. Moreso from the wealthy that think the rest of us chose to be poor and/or lazy. Why help when you can berate and demean others. 
      April 14, 2017 10:55 AM MDT