Ummm.... I'm sorry, but neither did I. I don't get it. What did I miss here, Ms. Rosie? Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Randy~. I really did not mean that in any bad or good way, I really thought I was answering a Rosie question since she does the political stuff as a rule.
I hope you are not mad at me. I was quite heated about that friend question you had about counting friends on that friend's list. I don't know why but something about popularity contests rankles. ??? I don't know what my deal is.
you are always my friend. I do not need a list. Capitals or not.
This halfway thinking seems to be working pretty well for him so far. What does that say about our country, its people... Moreover, its politicians?
Trump's success thus far says much more about U.S. than it does him and it 'ain't' good, if you know what I mean.
"A Pence for your thoughts" "Tea and Trumpets" Whassuppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!