Discussion»Questions»Food and Drink» Which is harder for you? Eating when you have no appetite for anything or not eating when you have an appetite for everything? Why?
Thank you for the compliment. I am currently suffering loss of appetite due to Amoxicillin! One of the side effects. There is another that plagues me as well but I shall not offend you by telling you what that is. Though I expect you can guess. I've lost 7-1/2 lbs without trying. I have no appetite . I struggle every day to eat something. How long this will last I have no idea. I checked it out on the internet and as usual there are no definitive answers. Everyone reacts differently. Loss of appetite and other side effects are part of what some go through. Some don't. Lucky me! SIGH. I have never in my life had such a problem. Worrying about losing too much weight. It affects how I shop, what I cook and how I feel. If that is TMI then I apologize. Thank you for your reply Randy.
Franklin said it. "Eat to live...don't live to eat." To me, appetite and hunger are two different things. If I am hungry, I must eat something due to hypoglycemia even if I have no appetite for what I am eating. Get well soon.
Eating when I have no appetite. I love food, so if I don't want it, then I can hardly make myself eat it. Luckily, it's rare that I have no appetite except perhaps in the early morning or when I'm sick. So sometimes I will force myself to eat oatmeal or something like that.