I think we pick it up from our own dads. I thought my son might need some tips when his wife was expecting their first, but it turned out he'd been listening to "the master" for long enough. I was at their place when they were discussing names. She's looking inward, then asked, "What do you think of the name 'Luke'?" Tim replied, "I like it," then walked over and addressed her baby bump directly. (Cue the James Earl Jones voice) "Luke. I am your father." I jumped to my feet, crowing "Dad joke! That's my boy!" and high fived him. She's looking daggers at the pair of us grinning like idiots, and growled, "Okaaay, we're not calling him Luke." My grandson's name is Zachary.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at April 21, 2017 8:59 PM MDT
If you refuse to answer properly your reply will be four the chop again ......it's not that offal and I don't have the stomach for jokes like this....... Hehe. :)p
I ham a fried a gut news for chew. I was scent yoking a top round when I rib eyed to this question, and bye the whey, HOW ARE YOU MY LURV.... its sooooo nice to see my Nice Jugs again. ;))))))) will you be my friend? ;+