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Why the more science we get the more government we have?

New findings, correct or incorrect, almost always mean more regulations and is it any wonder the Trump administration is cutting the purse strings on agencies that hinder economic growth?

Posted - April 23, 2017


  • 5354
    Science grow, government grow, Oak trees grow, Cherry trees grow, Weeds grow.
    Should we blame the Weeds ?
    Or should we be happy things are growing ? ;-)) This post was edited by JakobA the unAmerican. at April 24, 2017 12:24 AM MDT
      April 24, 2017 12:22 AM MDT

  • 5614
    Roots grow but when they tear up the sidewalk, time to cut them. Many agencies need trimming or risk them uprooting our foundation.
      April 24, 2017 8:15 PM MDT

  • 5354
    True. The point i attempted to make was that the growth of science and the growth of government are not related. They do not cause eachother to grow, so we should not blame one for the growth of the other.
      April 25, 2017 10:26 AM MDT

  • Government grows regardless of anything else.   It's the strive for power and the State becoming more important than the groups and individuals it is meant to protect the rights of.   Just a fact of the systems that the they start off as being there to protect and serve the people but the people that run it and are involved with it will ultimately become power hungry and reverse the situation for the people to become dependent on the government so they are made weak  and forced to serve it. 

    The best government for the people is a small one that governs least and I fully believe that based on the historical accounts of civilisations.  Tribalism is human's natural state where we are the safest, happiest, prosperous, stable, and satisfied.  Not centralized empires.
      April 24, 2017 2:20 PM MDT