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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » You want to get someone's attention. What is YOUR BEST way to do so? Insult/compliment/engage in cordial conversation? Why?

You want to get someone's attention. What is YOUR BEST way to do so? Insult/compliment/engage in cordial conversation? Why?

Posted - April 26, 2017


  • 6477
    One would question whether the need for attention were valid in the first place
      April 26, 2017 9:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Assuming the question is answered to your satisfaction how would YOU go about it?
      April 27, 2017 3:02 AM MDT

  • Say "hey stupid!" If that doesn't get their attention, they're not worth mine. ;)

      April 26, 2017 9:44 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You like this girl a lot. You're not sure how to approach her. You want to impress her with your approach. Why would you say "hey stupid"? That seems counterproductive to me NevanB. I assume you're joking. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :)
      April 27, 2017 3:04 AM MDT

  • 3463
    When I want someone's attention, I just call their name.
      April 26, 2017 10:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I had this HUGE crush on an 11th grader. I was in 10th grade. He played football and was dreamily handsome and ALL the gals had a crush on him. His name was John and the first time I approached him was when yearbooks came out and I asked him to sign mine. I had to tell him my name. He had no clue who I was. Then I did a really brave thing for a very shy girl which is what I was. A couple of weeks later. Where I got the courage I don't have a clue. It helped that he was a very kind person. I asked him if I could wear his Letterman's sweater to that night's (Friday night) football game in which he was playing! I still marvel at my nerve/courage! He said "sure"! I'm not joking.  That's what he said. As if it were a reasonable thing for me to ask of him. So I had the joy of wearing it and keeping it until Monday morning when I returned it to him. I put a handkerchief, nicely pressed, in the pocket hoping he would return it to me when he discovered it. He didn't. That is the bravest thing I've ever done. If he had been a jerk he probably would have been rude and sloughed me off. But he was as nice a person as he was handsome so it remains one of the memories from high school that I treasure. I don't think I've ever shared that with anyone on the internet Lulu'sMom!  That's how I got his attention! Pretty brazen of me. Very atypical of me then. Of course if he had had a girlfriend at the time I never would have done that because SHE would be the one wearing his Letterman's sweater! I tracked after him in later years and he became a cop. I saw a picture of him. He had gained weight and gotten older as we all do! Life! Sometimes it's amazing! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :)
      April 27, 2017 3:19 AM MDT

  • 3463
    That is a great story Rosie.
    What a thrill that must have been for you at the time.
      April 27, 2017 9:05 AM MDT

  • 113301
    It was my friend. It is by far the bravest thing I"ve ever done in my entire 79 years! How I got the nerve I don' t know. But he was so kind to me. I actually marvel at his kindest. There aren't many who would have been so nice I'm sure. It could have been humiliating for me but it wasn't. It's a very sweet memory of long ago! Thank you for your reply Lulu'sMom and Happy Friday! :)
      April 28, 2017 5:54 AM MDT

  • 22891
    to be nice to them
      April 26, 2017 10:51 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply pearl and Happy Thursday! :)
      April 27, 2017 3:21 AM MDT

  • 745
    depends on what kind of attention you're seeking ;)
      April 26, 2017 3:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I guess everything in life is based on "it depends". Thank you for your repl nL and Happy Thursday! :)
      April 27, 2017 3:22 AM MDT

  • 49
    Mostly I just say hi. Hi! :)
      April 27, 2017 2:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Hi there Natalie! I like it! It works! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to you! Nice ta meetcha! :)
      April 27, 2017 2:59 AM MDT

  • 49
    I think it works :) nice to meet you too! 
      April 27, 2017 3:03 AM MDT

  • 113301
      April 27, 2017 3:23 AM MDT

  • 49
      April 27, 2017 3:24 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Hi there friend!" This may be the start of a beautiful friendship". I'm a HUGE Humphrey Bogart fan. If you are unfamiliar with the line it's from the movie "Casablanca". If you are familiar with it then I'm sure you'll recognize it! :)
      April 27, 2017 3:27 AM MDT

  • 49
    I've heard it before but didn't know where it came from. but thanks for accepting!!!
      April 27, 2017 3:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You're welcome Natalie! Thanks for reaching out! :)
      April 27, 2017 3:38 AM MDT

  • 49
      April 27, 2017 4:20 AM MDT

  • 17260
    Oh. I got my ways. All depending on what I am seeking attention about.
      April 27, 2017 3:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Mysterious! You don't want to tip your hand. I understand. Thank you for your reply  SH and Happy Thursday! :)
      April 27, 2017 3:23 AM MDT

  • 17260
    Like said, it's all about what kind of attention you look for. Mysterious can be one of them. Hmm. Happy Thursday Rosie. ;-)
      April 27, 2017 3:28 AM MDT