[I wonder if you think the way I do, in that any long-term relationship will include a few donnybrooks along the way, so that instead of unrealistically attempting to avoid the inevitable, a savvy couple polishes off that first one intentionally, getting it out of the way.]
[Of course I do. We ain't siblings for nuthin'. Now, the real question is whether a certain someone should know why the fight is being picked in the hopes that aforementioned someone will be nutty too, or at least be willing to look past the nuttiness, or if the silly fight should be picked covertly, even though the risk of coming across as nutty is there anyway as well.]
I believe that the first fight should not only be mutually pre-planned (albeit spur-of-the-moment), it should also be without malice and also very short-lived.
Example: Party 1: You know, we haven't had our first fight yet.
Party 2: What do you mean "yet"? I don't want to fight with you, not now, not ever!
P1: Let's face facts. Eventually we'll find ourselves in a fight, so wouldn't it be better if we just do it now instead of later?
P2. You're supposed to stay away from the cooking sherry, that was our deal.
P1. I'm serious.
P2. Ok, ok. Tell me how this works.
P1. We pick a subject, it can be random or it can be a quirk that bugs one of us about the other. We bat it back and forth for a few short minutes, we agree to agree that it's silly, then we make up.
P2. So it can be anything, say that weird friend of yours named Stacey?
P1. I keep telling you it's Tracey.
P2. WhatEVER!
P1. Did you just roll your eyes at me while insulting my best friend?
P2. Yeah, I did, what about it?
P1. I think we're off to a great start, that's what about it.
P2. Stacey needs psychological help, and you should choose that friendship or this relationship.
P1. It's Tracey.
P2. That's what I said.
P1. Your jagged toenails cut my ankles.
P2. There's always a strange smell in your car, you should clean it sometime. (Are we doing this right?)
P1. (I think we should stick to a single topic, but this is ok.) You're going to have a lot to make up for at kiss-and-make-up time. Oh, and speaking of the way you kiss . . .