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Snapshot encounters among total strangers on an internet social is not the same as face-to-face in-depth lengthy conversations. Are they??

The arrogance of some who think they "know you" based on arm's length sporadic interaction is ludicrous. It  takes YEARS to get to know people and even then you never can really entirely know anyone.  Snapshot assessments. Snapshot "conclusions. Why do people think they KNOW so much more than they possibly can KNOW about others? They can guess but all guesses are filtered through the lens of self-preservation. Whatever makes them look good and feel good about themselves is what they think about others.  SIGH. As time goes by it seems people become more sure of themselves, more full of themselves, more CERTAIN about others.  WHY?

Posted - April 28, 2017


  • 745
    I understand the point you're making, and I wholeheartedly agree with almost everything you've said, but I do think it's not so much about the years, that determines how much you know someone. In most cases, yes, it is about the length of time you've spent with that person, but in some cases, it's about the recognition.. and that happens instantly, sometimes. 

    But yes, most people will claim to know you as a way to satisfy their own desires, I guess. and most people who claim to know you.. actually don't. and most people who do know you.. don't usually have the need to tell you they do.. they just do and you know that they do.
      April 28, 2017 5:05 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Precisely! Thank you for your thoughtful analysis nL and Happy Saturday. But you can also know someone for many years and he/she can flip on you into someone you don't recognize at all. That happened to me recently. A long-time friend of more than 30 years in fact! Changed overnight. I don't know why and will never know why I guess. Let's face it. Relationships are crapshoots. Luck is involved I think. Staying power. Longevity. You always think you"know" people after x amount of years and dependable interaction.  Then bingo!   SIGH. :(
      April 29, 2017 3:12 AM MDT

  • 745
    I'm sorry that happened to you, but part of it is people grow, they change. you think you know someone, and you have safety in that knowledge, but then like you said.. they flip on you or something. 
    it's part of being human and having human relationships, you never know how they're gonna turn out, so always be prepared and don't fall into the trap of expectations.. 
    they're lessons, you decide whether they're worth to be taught or not.

    have a lovely saturday, Rosie :)
      April 29, 2017 11:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply nL. I appreciate it. I'm sorry it happened too. It's one of those things you would bet your life on NEVER happening! I know. Don't do that! It's not so easy changing whom you are. If you're trusting and believe in people you don't  expect them to flip on you. There are some people who are always very cautious, very careful, somewhat closed.  I don't know how to be like that.  Happy Sunday nL! :):):)
      April 30, 2017 4:30 AM MDT

  • 1441
    its not the same thing. also i think its an easy atmosphere, some people seems to like it that way....

    i am on a game website for a long time, and people use avatars there too but barely anyone put their face . they put rather their character as avatar
      April 28, 2017 6:22 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Some folks stay closed off. You can have substantive and cordial conversations with them for years and enjoy the interaction but never really know anything about whom they are in their personal lives. Others are "open books" and share a lot of themselves. I guess fear of being harmed is involved somehow. I'm not afraid of anyone or anything I really don't hold anything back. Others are wary and perhaps they have reason to be. Maybe they were harmed and are being extra careful/cautious. You can't know what someone's story is unless they share it with you. But you can have very pleasant conversations and that's worth something! When I was on Answerbag my avatar was a Unicorn Mom and her baby. Here I figure the mug is good enough! Thank you for your reply franc and Happy Saturday ! :)
      April 29, 2017 3:19 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Yes, of course you are correct... people are fond of claiming all kind of things about you online.. I've been told I am angry, sad, scared and a million other things when that wasn't the case.. I think it's just that in the absence of face to face interaction people have only their own imaginations to go on.. lol and sadly some of their imaginations and thoughts are a little warped to say the least :P  So I guess I am saying that if people do that... then the fault lies with them - it's their problem 
      April 29, 2017 1:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
    It certainly gets in the way of substantive communication. The assumptions grow with each interaction and that drives people farther away from one another.  Whether the assumption is religion-based/politically based or mysteriously based on the opinions of others matters not. Once a mind becomes petrified it is immobilized and the sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold is what you get from a mind that is stuck in a rut. Thinking is hard work. Taking people as they are each day without layering them with preconceived opinions is hard work. People are basically lazy. They let others do the thinking for them and when conclusions are available they jump to them. The only exercise they get which explains the flabby muscle that used to function well but no longer does. Preconceived. Prejudged. Predetermined. Taking someone else's word for it. Happens all the time.  Sadly.  You can always tell when you are "talking" to someone like that. Scripted responses. Dogmatic replies. Rigid repartee. Lifeless. Dull. Boring. Wasting time. Thank you for your reply Addb and Happy Saturday to thee! :)
      April 29, 2017 3:04 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i dont think its the same either
      May 1, 2017 5:28 PM MDT