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What can you do with one eye?

One of my eyes has an allergy, so it's been swelling. I put drops in it and took an antihistamine. It's better, but not completely well. I don't want to strain it, in case it's not an allergy. I may have to go see the doctor tomorrow. Meanwhile, I really don't want to watch TV or read too much. I could just put a patch over it and go on my merry way. 

Posted - April 30, 2017


  • Ooooppss! 
      May 2, 2017 7:02 AM MDT

  • 7280
    You can still aim a gun...
      May 1, 2017 12:33 PM MDT

  • 22891
    maybe you should see your eye doctor, it might not be from allergies, you could have a sty in it
      May 1, 2017 3:23 PM MDT

  • 11586
    I can spy on my neighbor through the peephole in my door. (Not that I ever would!)
      May 2, 2017 7:31 AM MDT

  • 2515
    @Jane S., I can answer my door and look through my own peephole! Thanks! 
      May 5, 2017 7:16 AM MDT

  • 53691

    *Ring, ring!

    Dispatcher:"You've reached 911, what is your emergency, please?"

    Randy D: "Please hurry, I need the police department!  I'm being spied on!"

    Dispatcher: "Sir, who do you believe is spying on you?"

    Randy D: "The neighbor lady, Jane S, she's been after me for quite some time, I think she has a thing for me."

    Dispatcher: "Is it occurring right this moment?"

    Randy D: "Are you kidding me?  It's practically continuous!  Yes, it's happening right now, it's always happening, it happens every single day, it's been going on for weeks, no, for months now!"

    Dispatcher: "And what makes you believe she's spying on you, please?"

    Randy D: "Well, because she stalks me, she wants me very badly, and there's no telling what she'll do to me if she ever gets her hands on me!  Can you please get someone over here right away?"

    Dispatcher: "Wait a second, wait just one danged second here!  I think I recognize your voice; is this . . . are you RANDY D?"

    Randy D: "Why, yes, I am! did you know that?"

    Dispatcher: "Sir, I've taken several of your calls over the years.  Haven't you been warned by law not to call here any more unless it's for a REAL emergency?"

    Randy D: "Oh, that?  Please, that was just a misunderstanding.  The people over at the District Attorney's Office got a little excited and overstepped their autho..."

    Dispatcher: "I'm getting my supervisor on the line."

    Randy D: "Wait, what about my emergency?  I need the police over here!"

    Dispatcher: "This is just another one of your delusions, isn't it?"

    Randy D: "Delusions?  You don't know what Jane S wants from me, the things she wants to do to me!  Have you seen the looks she gives me, the things she writes online?  I'm willing to bet she's built some kind of weird altar to me inside a closet wall in her house.  This woman is dangerous, she needs to be stopped!"

    Dispatcher (mumbling): 'I'll bet she doesn't even know you're alive.'

    Randy D: "What was that?"

    Dispatcher: "My supervisor will be here in about five minutes.  Like the court order said, it has to be a true emergency in order for you to call it in, sir."

    Randy D: "That's exactly what this is!  I have a printout from what she posted online last week saying that I make her world and that she dreams about me!  She even had a handyman work on the peephole in her front door so that it's angled perfectly for her to watch my every move!"

    Dispatcher (mumbling again): 'Yeah, right!  If she even knows you, I'll bet she wishes you weren't alive.'

    Randy D: "I can't hear you, what did you say?"

    Dispatcher (mumbling): 'If she's such a threat to you, why not move?  Pick a foreign country, any country, just so it's far from here.'

    Randy D: "Would you believe that she even quit her job to devote herself to following me full time?  Oh, sure, she calls it early retirement, but I know she's really got the jones for me."

    Dispatcher: "You're sure it's not the other way around?  Maybe she's the one who needs to be protected from you.  Has she ever filed a complaint against you or requested a temporary protection order against you?"

    Randy D: "Gee, you're smart.  She sure has, the latter.  But it was just a ruse.  She wanted to see me so badly that she made up some stuff so that we'd be in the same courtroom. The entire time she couldn't take her eyes off of me."

    Dispatcher: "So the truth finally comes out."

    Randy D: "I know, right?  So now you see why I need the police."

    Dispatcher: "Instead of the boys in blue, why don't I just send over the guys in the white coats?"

    Randy D: "Oh, I don't think she's that far gone.  Maybe a Taser-shot will do the trick.  Listen, do you think they'll let me administer it?"

    Dispatcher: "Oh, boy, this is actually much worse than I thought."

    Randy D: "That's what I've been trying to tell you!  It's worse than anyone thinks.  No one I tell this to understands it at all."

    Dispatcher: "Sir, I have real calls that I need to attend to, so I'm going to put you on hold for my supervisor to speak with you."

    Randy D: "Sometimes I wonder if she's made a voodoo doll of me or has my name tattooed in some intimate place.

    Dispatcher: "I'm putting you on hold."

    Randy D: "She's even styling her hair like mine . . . "


    This post was edited by Randy D at May 14, 2017 12:52 PM MDT
      May 13, 2017 6:55 PM MDT

  • 11586
    Randy, I hope that in your real life, you put your writing talent to good use. This was so entertaining, I can't even make a smart-alec comeback. BTW, there is a misspelled word. See if you can find it.
      May 14, 2017 2:50 AM MDT

  • 53691

    Thanks, Gal Pal!  I found two of them: 

    (that than)
    (it's It's

    Say, wait a second. This isn't some sneaky, underhanded way for you to ingratiate yourself to me through my love of correct grammar, is it?  Stay right there; I'm calling 911 again. 
    This post was edited by Randy D at May 14, 2017 12:46 PM MDT
      May 14, 2017 9:32 AM MDT

  • 11586
    I guess I'll have to narrow it down for you. (To be fair, I didn't find the two that you found).

    I'm willing to bet she's built some kind of weird alter to me inside a closet wall in her house. 
      May 14, 2017 11:05 AM MDT

  • 53691

    (alter altar)

    Thanks again!

    [To the 911 operator: "See, what did I tell you?  She's all over my jock!  Send help quickly!"]

      May 14, 2017 12:50 PM MDT

  • "Look at the world without depth perception."
      May 14, 2017 9:38 AM MDT

  • 13071
    Play with yourself.
      May 24, 2017 12:21 PM MDT