I don't know why I am asking artificial intelligence these things but I might as well seeing that you may think the same as if I was an AI.
Define sane, lol.
I always thought you were a sophisticated computer program.
Your question is incomprehensible so you are obviously one of us...insane.
Why do this to yourself?
Go look at some more cat videos...;-D...
You're a woman, so no. HA HA HA HA HAH AHA HA HAHAHAHAAAAAAHAAH!!!!!!!!!
Typical robot response
... Don't mind if I do...
Oh Mr. B. You're so silly. :0)
So the formal? :0)
No. It is you who is the computer program.
But aren't robots supposed to be walking dictionaries?
no! no! please stay! I enjoy your artificiality.
that's the face of an angle. :0)
fall into my web randy. you know you want to. >:0)