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How has AnswerMug changed you?


Posted - May 3, 2017


  • 3191
    It hasn't...(and puhleeze, do not bring up the tildes...sheesh!)
      May 3, 2017 6:19 AM MDT

  • I don't think it's really changed me other than the fact that I've mellowed out a lot now. I do feel pretty comfortable here and there are many nice people. We've lost a few nice people but I've seen that on many sites. All people don't always agree on things. Overall? A pretty nice experience especially after the hell I came from. I like smaller sites as people get to know one another easier.
      May 3, 2017 6:23 AM MDT

  • Not really changed me, just a reminder not to become a crotchety person.  
      May 3, 2017 6:32 AM MDT

  • Yep!
      May 3, 2017 6:33 AM MDT

  • I don't look at trash bags the same way as before. Something, oddly sexy about them now...
      May 3, 2017 6:33 AM MDT

  • 3191
    While I can't say as I find them sexy, I do take more notice of them these
      May 3, 2017 7:39 AM MDT

  • LMAO!
      May 3, 2017 6:47 AM MDT

  • Answermug made me send you a  pic
      May 3, 2017 12:27 PM MDT

  • 44752
    I don't spend as much time here as I did on AB...I guess AM has made me a little less lazy.
      May 3, 2017 6:59 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Aww this makes me a bit sad.. I have learned that you cannot freely express opinions here.. you cannot be yourself...thankfully not all, not even most, but a determined and fairly malicious few.  It's made me feel differently about America and Americans even though logically I know many are lovely, intelligent and cool and that makes me sad... I started on the net in 1994 and back then there were only Americans really online.. and I made so many friends, people I still love today...but now things seem different :(
      May 3, 2017 8:31 AM MDT

  • 3191
    You are fully free to express your opinions here, just are not allowed to stop those who disagree with you from expressing theirs as well.  
      May 3, 2017 8:40 AM MDT

  • Good point!
      May 3, 2017 8:41 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I agree too Rooster... and I think, for my part I have certainly never said to someone that they are not entitled to their opinion.. I may disagree with it but I do very often say they are entitled to their opinion.. I may detail the reasons why I feel it is ill-founded and that's how one learns about others perspectives.. by talking and discussing the points.. but I've certainly never said people are not entitled to believe as they do..  quite often I only get involved when people's opinions disrespect another race, or group... I will present reasons why it's not *nice* but I don't ever say people cannot hold such beliefs.. SO all I can say is if people think that, as I seem to be being accused of here... then they are mistaken...and that's fact :P
      May 3, 2017 8:59 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Well that goes without saying and I never at any point disagreed with that. Were you thinking or implying that I don't allow others their opinions then? See it feels like I just said something and now I am being accused of something?  I think that's one of the things... one says something innocently, reasonably and one gets all sorts behaving quite aggressively.. perhaps it's a cultural thing.. or perhaps there are subtleties in the language that create misunderstandings regarding how things are said and perceived.  Either way the result is that one feels one is hindered, hog-tied and that one has to analyse every utterance.. and even then that's no protection.. I am just saying it as it is.. it's great if others on here don't feel that oppression and I am happy for them that they are able to enjoy the site as it should be enjoyed.
      May 3, 2017 8:54 AM MDT

  • 3191
    I wasn't implying anything, Day.  I believe my statement was quite clear and succinct.  You said, "I have learned that you cannot express opinions here.. ", which is simply not true, as you very well know.  
      May 3, 2017 12:24 PM MDT

  • 6477
    So glad to hear you weren't implying anything.. I was pretty clear too.
      May 6, 2017 8:13 AM MDT

  • Or refer to those who don't share you opinion as ignorant and uneducated. 
      May 3, 2017 8:55 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I appreciate I am wasting my time... but.. just to say.. I have never, but never called anyone ignorant.. or uneducated.. I am actually very careful about how I word things.. so again this is an accusation that is unwarranted and unfounded..

    Aside from that if someone expresses an opinion that is hurtful to other groups or genders or disadvantaged people.. and there is evidence that that is incorrect.. then yes I DO present evidence to the contrary.. what so people are unable to learn or even consider information?  See where i come from people are willing to consider information that may help them learn or change what they thought.. seems there are some who don't want to consider new evidence or even any evidence.. and prefer to just believe ideas that have been disproven.. Note I am not accusing anyone of anything here.. I have more manners than that.. but seems to me a pretty backward stance. This post was edited by my2cents at May 3, 2017 12:00 PM MDT
      May 3, 2017 9:15 AM MDT

  • 739
    There is less censorship here than on EP, so I guess I express myself more freely.
      May 3, 2017 9:09 AM MDT

  • 6477
    LOL you do do you :P Perhaps you express yourself in venues other than those I do on here :P  And so perhaps there is less censorship there :P  And you being a Brit would *get* that I am saying that tongue in cheek and I am sure you aren't offended :)  I didn't know you were an EPer.. that was a weird and wonderful place was it not?  

    So what I am saying Harry is... it much depends on *what* you are expressing yourself on :P  Feel free to PM me on that matter but there are some subjects that you can get away with here.. and indeed lots of other places too online :) but if you are trying to express an opinion on things that matter, such as politics, women's rights, tolerance, treating others with respect then to be can get villified for saying the simplest things...  I do think too... that the more one is on here. the more one encounters it :(  If you dip in and out you may be luckier :)
      May 3, 2017 9:21 AM MDT

  • 739
    I just sent you a friend request. I hope you will accept. I also hope you don't leave this site because of the comments you mention. I am aware that some of the people who's opinions I disagreed with most on this site have left it, and some others do not seem to be very active these days. I think the parts of the site I do look at are the more social, political or controversial, so I doubt if I have avoided the types you mention. It is just that the ones I disagree with most here (usually right-wingers from the USA) are much less rude, self righteous, and offensive here than on EP. Maybe you didn't encounter the worst ones on EP? The American right-wing seem to be less tolerant of anything that is a more liberal point of view than the right is to the left in our country. As a fellow Brit, you will probably agree with me that our Conservatives would practically be considered hard communists by US standards. The USA is just a more deeply conservative country, and they are not part of the European liberal tradition. There are of course exceptions. There are many Americans who are Liberal, and many of their conservatives are not part of that extremist fringe. And, as you said, they are all entitled to their point of view. I just wish some of these guys were more willing to listen to others.
      May 3, 2017 9:42 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I absolutely did accept your friend request and very happy to do so.. You reminded me actually that the good ones on here way outnumber the erm less humane ones so thank you for that.. That's what I love about humans, that although there are those who try to hurt us there are also those  who always surprise and cheer us up - thank you for being one of those kind :)

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you say the ones you have most problems with are the right wingers.. I am for humans, for their rights, for their dignity and for respect and unfortunately right wing is almost dead against all that.. so I guess we are never going to agree.. but it's the nastiness, the aggression, the accusations and the twisting of words and the sheer unwillingness to hear anything or to consider anything other than their beliefs that trouble me.  

    LOL ok yea EP could be a very tough place to hang out - I agree on that.. though I personally found it mostly ok :)  

    Thank you for being the voice of reason when I needed it.. And thank you for explaining :) I wondered whether you perhaps hung out on the more adult end of the spectrum here and perhaps that's less controversial.. 
      May 3, 2017 9:51 AM MDT

  • 739
    I haven't even looked at the so-called "adult" stuff. I wonder if those American, pro-Trump right-wingers have gone into hiding since he got elected? Maybe they deep-down knew he would fail as miserably as he is? Either way, I'm glad I can help!
      May 6, 2017 8:07 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Sadly the pro-Trump right-wingers are alive and well and posting regularly :P  They seem not to know, or to accept that he is failing miserably.. which, when you think about it... is pretty unbelievable ... ahh well can't say I didn't tell them :P
      May 6, 2017 8:15 AM MDT