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Discussion » Questions » Emotions » Politics in America today is very disheartening for many, not all. Some are heartened and if you're one of them what heartens you MOST? Why?

Politics in America today is very disheartening for many, not all. Some are heartened and if you're one of them what heartens you MOST? Why?

Posted - May 7, 2017


  • As a former political junkie who kept his fingers on the pulse of the "body politic" and grew concerned with the health and condition of same, I can now say that I've taken myself off the case. I'm neither heartened nor disheartened. I've looked at the patient's medical history and I'm  not seeing much that we haven't seen before.  
      May 7, 2017 11:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You've seen the likes of Trump before? You've seen the corruption and scandal and being in bed with a foreign government and hiring foreign agents as his toadies? You've seen the LAVISH spending? You've seen an entire family without portfolio be given access to everything that used to be privy and separate? You've seen a president become richer daily on the backs of the people he is supposedly servicing? You've seen a prez appoint heads of departments they plan to dismantle/destroy/sabotage/eviscerate? You really have? I haven't. This Trumpworld is brand new to me and I despise it and everything it represents. I think it is 100% corrupt, evil and anti-everything that is important to me. You don't? I find that odd but then there are many things in life that seem odd to me that others think are okey dokey. Thank you for your reply driftwood and Happy Monday. :)
      May 8, 2017 2:41 AM MDT